Michael Moore, the bastion of Liberal Lunacy, has once again entered the fray of a controversial subject and shed light on the very vast (and empty) cobwebbed recesses of his mind.
While other people in the country are praying and wishing for the quick recovery of the over 500 people who were wounded by this Jackass Party mass murderer, as well as for the thousands of family members of the 59 innocents whose lives were viciously ripped from them by senseless hatred on the Left, Moor is attempting to politicize the tragedy with his own brand of loopy logic, painting the United States of America as a nation on par with Hitler’s Germany, Stalin’s Russia, Castro’s Cuba, Ayatollah Khomeini’s Iran, and Mao tse-tung’s China.
According to him, the Constitution of the United States, a document whose words have been repeated and emulated in constitutions of other nations across the globe because of its enlightened language, and specifically the 2nd Amendment, need to be altered.
Read on the following page how an out-of-work, hack filmmaker with no working knowledge of legislation, regulation or legality of firearms has written…yes, written…a new 28th Amendment to the US Constitution in order to abolish the 2nd Amendment forever!
he’s such an idiot
Getting moore & moore desperately idiotic…
So sayeth Jabba The Butt, Field Commander Meal Team Six
He looks as he needs to be in Cuba-wearing those clothes, hope he takes a hint, go!
Michael please be careful, if you open your mouth much bigger you will swallow your head.
This person is braindead
Oh Mikey! Here you go again. But Mikey!! You don’t want the people to have guns, but you want to raise up a citizen army to oust Trump?!? PLEASE explain to us how you reconcile that.
What happened to your 5 point plan to take Trump down, or was it your 10 point plan? Wait!— Wasn’t it your Broadway play, or your new movie? None of those working? Let’s try an armed revolution.
This is just another example of your boundless stupidity.
You are consumed with delusions of relevance and self importance.
You are just a giant gelatinous mass of irrelevance, with more chins than a Chinese phone book.
Perhaps a good strong laxative would aid greatly in SIGNIFICANT weight loss.
Keep a plumber on speed dial.
This guy has been smoking some bad stuff and has destroyed a lot of brain cells. They should deport him to An asylum because he is truly out of his mind.
Why don’t you take ya big mouth and take a hike.
He does not mean what he saying! In 2008 and 2012 Moore made movies and rallied for democrats, for the exact agenda Trump campaigned on AMERICAN workers rights,keep factories in the U.S., poverty,the forgotten AMERICAN etc. Moore today says the HELL with Americans, it was all BS and my movie was just that a movie ,No purpose! He does not believe in his own work and opinions,he just likes to talk. We have been down this road before and we already know he does not really believe what he is saying.