The conclusion of the Moore manifesto may be the final clue to the disturbed inner workings of the Leftist mind. Here is the filmmaker’s wrap, no doubt scrawled in red crayon for full effect and impact.
These are a few of the regulations that can be enacted to both protect society yet not deny hunters and sportsmen their fun. This is the sane approach that meets everyone’s needs — everyone, that is, except those of the serial killer, the mass murderer, the violent ex-husband, the disgruntled employee or the disturbed and bullied teenager. We will never eliminate all murder; that’s been with us since Cain killed Abel. But we CAN join the community of enlightened nations where gun violence is that rare occurrence — as opposed to the daily tragedy we now suffer here in the United States of America. This can come to an end with the repeal of the 2nd Amendment and replacing it with the 28th Amendment.
For those who believe it will be impossible to do this, let me close by sharing with you two important facts that should give us hope:
1. We are not a country of gun nuts. 77% of all Americans do NOT own a gun! If three-quarters of the country has decided they have no need for a gun, three-quarters of the country may also decide they have no need for an archaic amendment that allows retired accountants to own 47 assault weapons. LET’S ORGANIZE THE 77%!
2. When President Obama tried to get Congress to pass simple, common sense gun control legislation after the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary, polls showed 90% of the country backed him! But the NRA beat him. LET’S ORGANIZE THE 90%!We can start with the upcoming midterm election. Let every candidate know: If you take NRA money, we will remove you from office.
Then do it.
Above in his dissertation, he claims that hunters and sportsmen can be left with their “fun,” while claiming at the top of this novel of garbage that hunters can hunt for their food. Which is it? Fun or food? At any rate, an overwhelming plurality of Americans (even those who don’t own a weapon, BUT vehemently subscribe to the originalist mentality) believe that gun ownership, as presented in the 2nd Amendment, is a right extended by the Constitution that is vital to its citizenry in order TO HOLD THE GOVERNMENT IN ITS RIGHTFUL PLACE, AS A TOOL FOR THE PEOPLE TO GOVERN THEMSELVES. The 77% you wish to organize, Mr. Moore, well…I hate to tell you…more than half believe the government oversteps its bounds as well.
Good luck attempting to attribute murder and mayhem to a very old and reputable organization that seeks to protect life, not take it away.
And while we’re on the subject of children, Mr. Moore (since you mentioned Sandy Hook where a Leftist mentally unstable man shot and killed his mother and 20 children with a stolen weapon) let’s talk about another old organization begun by Margaret Sanger who wished to “breed Negroes out of existence.” Yes, let’s talk about the sanctity and protection of innocent life.
Let’s talk about Planned Parenthood, shall we?
Source: Prevention-Firearms / Global Study for Homicide
Socialists want the 2nd Amendment removed for one reason…Socialist and communist society can not survive as long as the 2nd Amendment lives…that’s the bottom line !!
Should we listen to a fat pig who’s a communist at heart? I don’t think so
slug leaves a slime trail where ever he goes .
He was behind the door when they passed out brains.
abolish moore for fat Albert