Moore’s manifesto now goes into soaring vagaries and vastly overarching terminology about weapons, simplifying it down to just a few lines of type.
• All automatic and semi-automatic guns are banned.
• No gun or clip can hold more than 6 bullets.
• To activate a gun for it to be used, the trigger must recognize the fingerprint of its registered owner. This will eliminate most crimes committed with a gun as 80% of these crimes are done with a stolen gun.
• One’s guns must be stored at a licensed gun club or government-regulated gun storage facility. Believing that having a gun in your home provides you with protection is an American myth. People who die from a home invasion make up a sad but minuscule .04% of all gun murders in the US. And over a third of them are killed by their own gun that the criminal has either stolen or wrestled from them.
All right, let’s get this out of the way. In order for the first of these edicts or requirements to be enacted, we would have to understand that the Left designates NEARLY EVERY SINGLE FIREARM MANUFACTURED TODAY AS AN AUTOMATIC OR SEMI-AUTOMATIC WEAPON.
Why is that important? In order for this legislation to SOUND like “common sense” legislation, they must use the classic bait and switch Liberal method of description when talking about guns. By labeling a gun “automatic or semi-automatic,” they make it sound as if that just means the AR-15 or the AK-47. But that’s not really what this is about. When a Leftist talks about “automatic or semi-automatic weapon,” they are speaking about virtually any weapon that holds more than a single shot at one time. Which is why the immediate follow-up to the first edict is the next regarding “clips” (which are not actually magazines, but Leftist Hollyweird types don’t really know the difference and, apparently, neither does Moore).
The fact that Moore (and all Leftists) believes that a weapon that holds only six rounds is less deadly than something that holds more is a fallacy. Does anyone really believe that Stephen Paddock could not have lined up magazines of rounds at his right hand and inserted them over and over and have been any less lethal than if he had not had to insert them? He had all the time in the world to set up. This was not an off-the-cuff situation. This was premeditated murder.
“Recognize the fingerprint of the gun’s owner?” Oh, my Lord, is this guy serious? Where in the heck does this guy live? The technology involved to install such a device on a weapon would make the weapon even more phenomenally unaffordable than it already is (but maybe that’s the real purpose). Meanwhile, as less legal and careful gun owners are weaponless because of unbearable costs, the criminals in the streets who are still using “stolen guns” that DON’T require this technology are free to continue their crime spree.
By the way, the 80% statistic he cites refers to stolen guns used BY NON-LEGAL POSSESSION. In other words, his legislation is to remove guns from people WHO ARE NOT KILLING OTHERS FOR CRIMINAL INTENT. This legislation does nothing to curb gang violence in Chicago, because the guns used in the crimes are NOT REGISTERED OR TRACED!
As for the “American myth” of having a gun in the house to provide protection, he says that .04% of all gun murders in the US are attributed to home invasion. Has it ever occurred to this man that the reason for that is evident in the statement. GUNS IN THE HOME ARE A DETERRENT TO CRIMINALS. BRANDISH A GUN AND THE HOME INTRUDER FLEES. HELLO?
That is not to mention the fact that Leftists should be THANKING gun owners for saving the lives of the criminals and multiply-convicted felons who are loved, adored and shielded from blame by these Liberals who believe their parents, society, or bullies to be culpable on their behalves!
And, by the way, having these weapons in some remote storage facility defeats the whole purpose of why owning a weapon for personal defense is necessary. Having my gun sitting in some government-run storage facility is the equivalent of having my neighbor’s pet fox mind my chicken coop!
Turn to the next page to read the Moore manifesto justification for putting the NRA out of business and how Americans are the only nation on Earth who are maniacal gun-wielding people intent on killing their neighbors (because the Muslims wildly firing rounds into the air to celebrate a beheading of a gay man or the drawing and quartering of a Christian are normal everyday activities)!
Socialists want the 2nd Amendment removed for one reason…Socialist and communist society can not survive as long as the 2nd Amendment lives…that’s the bottom line !!
Should we listen to a fat pig who’s a communist at heart? I don’t think so
slug leaves a slime trail where ever he goes .
He was behind the door when they passed out brains.
abolish moore for fat Albert