Monica Foy probably didn’t expect to make the national spotlight for tweeting Harris County Deputy Darren H. Goforth deserved to be executed because he had “creepy, perv eyes.” Nevertheless, she has once again shown us all just how astray our country’s moral compass has become.
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She has no room to talk!
KARMA is such a cruel mistress!
Smh arrest all the haters. They’ve destroyed what MLK and the nation strove for.
Got no use for people like her.
Nice neck.
im just saying about time and not asking questions about others at least its a start
I’ll bet a million Dollars she’ll never go on a hunger strike
This fat, mean ugly bitch is getting the karma she so richly deserves!
From the looks of her photo, looks like she looted an All You Can Eat restaurant some where.
I know you can’t be educated, nor do you want to be. So I’m not going to even try to explain. Judgement day is coming soon see you then. Answer me this, Arabs (Muslims) are Black, and they hate you dark skin pug nose Blacks. They have a really nasty reason why they put you into slavery. Still have many today, and yet you Idiots join Islam by the thousands. WHY? God said they wiil be killed and sent to Hell for their treatment of Jews. They will Produce the Anti Chris. Why would you pick to be on Satans Side? Hell will not be a Party like you hope it will be. Do you hate yourself that much, you think you deserve that? I know Satn can only Possess and control the weak, but you can break the chains.