Jaegur Goode is just a normal red-blooded American teen. In the alternate reality we all find ourselves, maybe just like good Germans found themselves in 1939, Goode was suspended for wearing an American Flag t-shirt. Obviously rules must be in place and that shirt so important its offensive to someone. Yet no hashtag revolt happened on tweeter over the weekend possibly due to a story that overshadowed it.
see details and outcome for Goode next page
Don’t hold your breath kid. If it was a ISIS T-Shirt Air Force 1 would be at your door within hours to take you to the White House.
I’m glad that here in arizona the schools still teach the constitution and had all the kids wear red, white, and blue to honor it.
This is anti-American when we can not wear picture of our own flag. Who changed the rules on us? Who says we can not wear our own flag on a t-shirt? Who gave them the right to say that?? Call the parents for a pta meeting and protest. Call the school and protest. Call the papers and protest. Thats the only way to tell the school that their new rule for suspension is not something you will stand for. Americans will fight for the right to wear our flag anywhere we want. Do not let Islam tell us what we can wear. If you do then start looking for that long black dress that the women all wear because thats what your daughters will be wearing soon.
My son’s school has a dress code that doesn’t allow any shirts with any printing or lettering on them. At the first of the year I was given a copy of that dress code. If you read the code and allowed your child to break the rules, it’s your fault ! This has nothing to do with the American flag, and everything to do with following the rules. Teach kids that you don’t have to follow the rules, and what do you get, criminals.
Horrible example for a young American.
U people want myslis
What is your local government and governor and senator doing? He’s suppose to protect your rights.
They’ll try to get rid of the American flag after they get rid of the Confederate flag.
They said it was a misunderstanding, I smell b.s.
i would say that all students should wear one on the same day. send all of them home