Jaegur Goode is just a normal red-blooded American teen. In the alternate reality we all find ourselves, maybe just like good Germans found themselves in 1939, Goode was suspended for wearing an American Flag t-shirt. Obviously rules must be in place and that shirt so important its offensive to someone. Yet no hashtag revolt happened on tweeter over the weekend possibly due to a story that overshadowed it.
see details and outcome for Goode next page
Totally unconscionable!!!
i smell ADL
I guess we arn’t suppose to be proud of America if your White, Christian, Straight and Conservative!
Youll have to wait till we get some true Americans in the white house,hes only for blacks,and terrorists!
Unacceptable! Freedom of speech is attacked at all corners of this country, looks like folks need to be permanently suspended for violating 18USC sec 241 and 242.
This is totally inexcusable!!! What a fowl reasoning!! The system has failed the student and the family !!!
He should have just stayed, what are they going to ndo???
First your flag, second your FREEDOM..!!!
Do not want towels or burkas inside schools then