After startling, but perhaps expected, reports that terrorists got into Paris last week by posing as Syrian refugees, many American politicians are turning their attention to Obama’s plan to immediately bring 100,000 supposed refugees into the United States of America.
In response, Governor Greg Abbott (R-TX) has written a letter to President Barack Obama telling him that Texas will take no part in his plan to relocate thousands of Syrian refugees into the state of Texas.
He also pleaded that the president stop the program altogether, and was joined by many other conservative governors in his calls to end the acceptance of these strangers — and potential terrorists — onto our shores.
President Obama must stop the influx of these people into our country, or he puts us at risk of another large-scale terrorist attacks.
While ISIS has claimed that American blood will soon spill, Obama seems all too willing to let the impending catastrophe happen.
To read Governor Abbott’s letter to Obama, continue on to the next page:
God Bless you Governor
Congrats, Texas. Now can you call Maryland for support……PLEASE
DILUTING THE POWER OF THE PEOPLE! When a government knows that well educated and engaged citizenry enable the people of a nation to be the power base, that government inundates the nation with less educated, less invested persons who don’t understand the system that the founding fathers put in place to insure the power rests with the people of the nation. When the people abdicate their power by being deprived of insight into what is occurring right before their eyes , the government will confiscate that power for itself! Pray for America!!
If guards are not posted around Texas this is another futile gesture for Obama to enjoy. He is destroying the fabric of America and it would appear we are impotent to stop him. For one man to wreak this havoc is unbelievable. Congress, cut off the money to Immigration and Naturalization so at least we won’t be forced to pay for our own demise.
Do you hear that Mr President you’re a liar
Bravo Texas !!! Can u also be a gov of California???
let the refuges go to DC with Obama and his family!!!
Thanks Gov
My kind? haha Your a name caller, you must be a repub.
Good for Texas