Sometimes, the best political strategy is to let your opponent do all of the talking. That way, they can discredit their argument all by themselves. Often, they do it with a lack of awareness. Sometimes, it’s a lack of knowledge. Other times, it’s by doing something absolutely insane.
Last week, one Texas state representative managed to do all three.
In an effort to support abortion rights, Rep. Jessica Farrar introduced a bill so absurd that it can only be seen as a gift to the pro-life community. And the bill doesn’t effect woman at all.
Instead, the bill targets men — and unfertilized sperm. The legislation seems to equate semen to fertilized eggs in a pathetic display of ineptitude. Not only does the author not understand the science behind pregnancy — she also managed to make a fascinatingly invasive and pointless bill.
Read about the remarkably ridiculous legislation on the next page:
This is funny with out release men will b angry lol
Her$#%&!@*may get beat send a Muslim so she feel dirty
What is the salary for morons
Someone find that stupid$#%&!@*and tack on an amendment for fines for menstruation. This is a stupid pro-abortion stunt where a conceived human live is said to be equivalent to a pile of$#%&!@*
an idiot elected by morons!
You got a problem
Like there is nothing better to do, like helping the people of your state, what a dam waste of time and money
Csn these idiots please get the hell out of everyones private lives…I t would be refreshing if they would just do their job!
Looks like Grandma Jessi will have to find a new hobby. That old haridan looks like she’s worn out a p/u truck load of vibrators!
People have to do that to donate sperm & eggs would be a bit different but still the government have no right to say any thing that is behind closed doors , dang when I was younger it was safer than dealing with all the STDs going around .Hell I don’t even have a concern as far as my$#%&!@*being my brains or wanting to commit the SIN !!! DAMN DON’T YOU PEOPLE HAVE OTHER THINGS MORE IMPORTANT TO BE CONSIDERING THN THAT ,IF THEY DO IT IN PUBLIC NEUTER THEM !!!