The Lieutenant Governor, sheriffs and other experts on immigration in Texas all met at the State Capital on Wednesday to discuss the feds precious sanctuary state for criminal illegals that it creates through its Priority Enforcement Program.
Texas is facing a crisis created by the federal government’s new immigration policies and these figures are desperately trying to deal with the continuous damage – they are warning everyone that the federal government had completely tied their hands.
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A vote for Hillary will make the illegals feel right at home. She believes in open borders so everyone is welcome
They are only tied if you choose them to be.
Fine. Then stand back and let the people handle this. It won’t take long and the white house will re-think things.
Only if you give it to them sheriff.
only if you will give tham
Do not let unto them! ,,, They will not hesitate to kill you or anyone for that matter ,,, they do not have
Laws, they have no God and they are full of hate.
Do not let unto them! ,,, They will not hesitate to kill you or anyone for that matter ,,, they do not have
Laws, they have no God and they are full of hate.
Then just fucking kill ’em.$#%&!@*democracy, that$#%&!@*is a joke anyways. Find a criminal alien? Shoot him in the head and dump his$#%&!@*in the desert. Oh we need help dealing with these illegals. It’s called grow some balls and just execute the fuckers.$#%&!@*mexico.$#%&!@*mexicans. And$#%&!@*being straight with them. They don’t deserve rights. They proved that by hopping through that border. So we should treat illegals like other countries do. Beat em, imprison them without trial, or kill ’em. You’ll quit having those issues. Guaranteed.
how spineless this country has become
I worked on an oil rig in Laredo. I’d say 30-60 Mexicans walking up the Rig Road at night. Tank truckers would tell us one of them hit four of them and when they stopped no one was anywhere to be found. My thoughts are the Muslims will be in Mexico coming right across the border too Isis all the way. Put all those vets that are coming back with PTSD and cannot get an appointment in the VA hospitals for 2-3yrs. Obama is giving the illegals $2,000 when they get in giving them free housing giving them free food free medical care. Give the vets and anyone else that wants to go down and sit on the damn fence I would say wing the first one bandage him up then as the night goes on have him drag the dead bodies up to the fence so border patrol can get a head count and pay them $1,000 CASH.. then have the Mexican that drug them up there drag the bodies over to the Rio Grande River and let the buzzards eat. And I will bet there are muslims in the groups too.