The Lieutenant Governor, sheriffs and other experts on immigration in Texas all met at the State Capital on Wednesday to discuss the feds precious sanctuary state for criminal illegals that it creates through its Priority Enforcement Program.
Texas is facing a crisis created by the federal government’s new immigration policies and these figures are desperately trying to deal with the continuous damage – they are warning everyone that the federal government had completely tied their hands.
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Well start shooting them!
Get a knife
Our biggest problem right now is Obama trying to start World War 3 and the aggression Iran is showing us by firing on our ships although Obama could have that planned with Iran to call Martial law and stop the election
This is what’s going on in az.
Untied it and fight
Why don’t they have fema camps along the borders for law breakers. Detain them I’d rather pay for them that way you than on welfare
lawyers, judges and lawgivers have done this to Peace Officers, because welfare rats and felons have the right to vote, and it seems that wetbacks and the dead have been voting democrap.
Texas Justice and deep holes right at the border.