The Lieutenant Governor, sheriffs and other experts on immigration in Texas all met at the State Capital on Wednesday to discuss the feds precious sanctuary state for criminal illegals that it creates through its Priority Enforcement Program.
Texas is facing a crisis created by the federal government’s new immigration policies and these figures are desperately trying to deal with the continuous damage – they are warning everyone that the federal government had completely tied their hands.
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So every state should use an illegal alien status as negative status toward incarceration and incarcerate twice the maximum sentence without parole in a special prison where they serve with members of their nation. Hopefully forever. I rather pay to have them in prison.
I have a solution. After u deport them the first time and they come back take them out to sea 15 miles and tell them if they make it back they can stay
Only if you let them be tied. Where would we be if our forefathers said that. Sorry I don’t buy it
Take a page from the Iowa go error. Gather those illegals and fly them back to their countries.
Its hard to uphold the law when we got a bunch of liberal bastards running the country and giving everthing away. Idea. Let republicans draw benefits from what they pay in and let liberals and ragheads draw off what they pay in. Problem solved
My hands are always free to shoot, no tie downs here.
Your fucking hands are not tied you are a part of them
Hands aren’t tied. ..fucking b******t.
Everyone who thinks this is a problem is obviously a racist and hates Mexicans.