The Lieutenant Governor, sheriffs and other experts on immigration in Texas all met at the State Capital on Wednesday to discuss the feds precious sanctuary state for criminal illegals that it creates through its Priority Enforcement Program.
Texas is facing a crisis created by the federal government’s new immigration policies and these figures are desperately trying to deal with the continuous damage – they are warning everyone that the federal government had completely tied their hands.
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Start shooting them, whos going to tell!!!
The Sheriff is the top law enforcement officer in the county in which he is elected. He ha authority over all other agencies and can arrest Rogue Feds. The Sheriff takes a oath to defend the Constitution from enemies foreign and domestic. The potus and the scotus have no Constitutional authority to make law.
Making policy by ex-order and treating it as law is unlawful.
The Sheriffs do not have to obey unlawful orders.
If your Sheriff does not do his elected job replace him post haste.
The Sheriffs of Texas should erect the largest tent city in America, fill it with illegals, feed them green baloney til hell freezes over if necessary, but do their job or get out of the business.
Grow some goneds. Do like they do on Arizona.
F**e Texans
Obamas so corrupt he is the cause of police officers being killed because he’s made it so the can’t protect themselves and made it where the illegals won’t get arrested by law inforcement
Trump will be the only one that will change this!!!!!
vote trump get things back the way it should be
Oh B******T Sheriff!! Your hands are not tied!! IGNORE Obamas orders and capture and send back the illegals. Stop acting like hurt puppies and start doing your fucking job!
The sheriffs should continue to do their job. No jury will convict sheriffs for locking up criminals. I know I wouldn’t.