The Lieutenant Governor, sheriffs and other experts on immigration in Texas all met at the State Capital on Wednesday to discuss the feds precious sanctuary state for criminal illegals that it creates through its Priority Enforcement Program.
Texas is facing a crisis created by the federal government’s new immigration policies and these figures are desperately trying to deal with the continuous damage – they are warning everyone that the federal government had completely tied their hands.
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A bunch of BS; it is your state; Stand up to the feds; their policies are Treasonous to our well being; As elected officials who swore to protect and uphold the constitution. Do it!
Your hands are not tied. Do your job, or we’ll find someone else who will.
If I remember correctly when Texas first joined the Union there was a clause that would allow them to withdraw if the government ever FAILED TO PROTECT THE BORDERS. I think it might be time to use that clause.
It’s government policy that’s y illegals are not getting deported and y u may ask because politicians freinds own those “jails ” or apartments that house them it’s a buisness deal more than anything
Well, then I say they are cowards and citzens nees to handle business if their lives are threatened or being robbed whether it’s an illegal alien or citizen. However, the federal government knew that, which is why they are wanting to implement gun control and make us easy targets.
Untie them
The problem with the federal government is if you don’t go along with what their mandatory is they will withhold funds. So you those Sheriffs can defy Obama or DOJ and force them to investigate the refusal and withhold funds. So in the end if these Sheriffs defy it puts the spot on the Obama admin. Ya gotta have the stones and your constituents backing to pull it off. Does anyone think Wiles has either the stones or the backing here in El Paso?
The POWER belongs to the states. The Constitution limits the power of the federal government. States are rightfully starting to challenge Federal Government Over Reach and rightfully so. The idea of a illegal committing crimes and not being tried as a terrorist is absurd. The idea they are reported without being penalized is luticus.
Their Hands Are Not Tied. They have a Surety Bond guaranteeing they will Enforce the Law.