The Lieutenant Governor, sheriffs and other experts on immigration in Texas all met at the State Capital on Wednesday to discuss the feds precious sanctuary state for criminal illegals that it creates through its Priority Enforcement Program.
Texas is facing a crisis created by the federal government’s new immigration policies and these figures are desperately trying to deal with the continuous damage – they are warning everyone that the federal government had completely tied their hands.
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This is an out right lame excuse.
It’s not as difficult as you make it out to be. Pass laws that mandate immediate execution of any capital crimes committed by illegals. No stays of execution, no appeals-just instant justice. Start there and see what happens-the time for bending over to this federal overreach needs to end. It’s Texas for crying out loud! Man the$#%&!@*up already!
The Democrat Party is the world’s most successful hate group. It attracts poor people who hate rich people, black people who hate white people, gay people who hate straight people, feminists who hate men, environmentalists who hate the internal combustion engine, and a lot of bratty college kids who hate their parents.
However, the real secret of the party’s success is that it attracts the support of journalists who hate Republicans and Libertarians, who therefore work tirelessly to convince the rest of us that we should vote for Democrats.
The democrat party consists of two types of people.1. those who see themselves as the victim of someone or something and 2. Those who see themselves as the noble rescuers of the self appointed victims.
they are full of$#%&!@* their hands are not tied. they took an oath to uphold the laws of this land, all laws.
You were elected to do your job now do it you bunch of cowards. The rest of us get fired for not doing our job.
I call BS on this! Enforce the state laws and tell the feds to go play with each other.
Dawn Momsen your boy cruz is a lying candian bought and paid for by soros but live in your fantasy world when he sells you out ill be the 1st to laugh in your face
When you continue to repeat a statement shown to be a lie you become the liar. Trump has accepted money from Soros, so by your definition he must also be bought and paid for. As a matter of fact Trump owes money to most of the large banks and therefore is bought and paid for.
i don’t understand why can a sheriff arrest a bank robber kidnapper etc. but can’t arrest an illegal alien. they are all federal laws. why can they enforce one but not the other
Thanks for trying guys