The Lieutenant Governor, sheriffs and other experts on immigration in Texas all met at the State Capital on Wednesday to discuss the feds precious sanctuary state for criminal illegals that it creates through its Priority Enforcement Program.
Texas is facing a crisis created by the federal government’s new immigration policies and these figures are desperately trying to deal with the continuous damage – they are warning everyone that the federal government had completely tied their hands.
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Obama the rat that unloaded the trap
Simple. Enforce TEXAS laws if caught deport them and anyone caught trespassing Can and will be shot with no fear of prosecution. Guarantee you this will get their attention. Also could use Sherriff Joe Arpaos system. Put them in tent jails and make them and other inmates work . When they get out they won’t want to come back
time to go it alone, to hell with the feds
B******t if it’s not in the contusion it’s not law
F**k this somebody grow a pair of balls
Meri Evans Collins
There sick no good evil$#%&!@*and should. Be delt with as such
Grow some balls. The state’s are bound to govern themselves. Just do it and dare the Feds to stop you. Step up!!!!
Whatever Happened to Real Sheriffs Like Wyatt Earp Like Tell Them I Am Comng and Hell Is Coming Wth Me….