The Lieutenant Governor, sheriffs and other experts on immigration in Texas all met at the State Capital on Wednesday to discuss the feds precious sanctuary state for criminal illegals that it creates through its Priority Enforcement Program.
Texas is facing a crisis created by the federal government’s new immigration policies and these figures are desperately trying to deal with the continuous damage – they are warning everyone that the federal government had completely tied their hands.
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If you are letting your hands be tied then take them White Hats off because you are no longer the good guys.
Their hands are tied only if they want them tied, otherwise do the job you was elected to do and quit your belly aching. The people depend on you with their lives.
Sounds like good training for the national gaurd.Walls are a eyesore.Treat them like the invaders they are.When lead flies they will not keep coming.A couple of warning shots first then if that doesn’t work put the smack down.Death is the only deterrent sometimes.
You know in other countries if you are caught entering illegally you are shot on sight .in some middleastern countries you are beheaded.why are we the only country thats gives them money jobs ,healthcar
e, cars ,homes and food assistance. I say send thier asses packing .build a wall dig a moat fill that up with gators.
Read up on Crystal City TX. Hell the law was making money bringing illegal from the border into San Antonio!!
That was before they started changing & running it as a democracy!
They had no problem going after AZ, and Sherriff Arpaio.
He only has 9 more months,, its a Little Late for that U couldn’t even Impeach him it would take more time than that
My ? is how long has this been going on,,Sanctuary Cities that is,, I guess the Country they came from Doesnt Want them Back,, there is No-way I would Let Violent Offender Go,maybe they should Resign if they Cant Figure it Out
This guy just needs to tell Obama ” Remember the Alamo”. This time it’s Americans against politicians and your slightly outnumbered, so come on with your bad self