When a nation’s law enforcement agencies lose credibility, chaos is not far behind. Certainly, turmoil at least can be expected. And that is exactly the direction in which jurisdictions will head when law enforcement agencies choose to be derelict in their responsibilities.
Those who are leaders in these so-called “sanctuary cities” are not responsible for making the laws, but for enforcing them. Those who are not doing so are not only encouraging others to break the law, but are doing that themselves. As such, they should be replaced at once and be subjected to appropriate disciplinary actions.
What is happening now in Texas is an excellent example of leftist politics being given precedence over the enforcement of the laws. More on page two.
Get Rid of the$#%&!@* FIRE HER$#%&!@*
That$#%&!@*needs her$#%&!@*in jail
The sheriff is more than one brick shy of a load.
Fire her!
She should be arrested
Run her out of town on a rail, tar and feather her, hang her high or at least impeach her. Do something Texas to her big liberal$#%&!@*
Put her in prison
Prison for life for that idiot!
I am so amazed at these sheriffs who are supposed to protect us the people that they would just ignore a request from the federal government to hold illegals who have committed crimes since when did they become more knowledgeable or think that there are more knowledgeable that they’re going to put the rest of us in danger I would say if any of her illegals commit a crime someone should sue her
To lose 1.5 million dollars, There goes money for Bulletproof vests, New Patrol Cars, More Police Officers , Training. Maybe she don’t need her Benefits, Like Vacation Pay, Retirement Pay and Medical Benefits. Cut them and see who scream.