When a nation’s law enforcement agencies lose credibility, chaos is not far behind. Certainly, turmoil at least can be expected. And that is exactly the direction in which jurisdictions will head when law enforcement agencies choose to be derelict in their responsibilities.
Those who are leaders in these so-called “sanctuary cities” are not responsible for making the laws, but for enforcing them. Those who are not doing so are not only encouraging others to break the law, but are doing that themselves. As such, they should be replaced at once and be subjected to appropriate disciplinary actions.
What is happening now in Texas is an excellent example of leftist politics being given precedence over the enforcement of the laws. More on page two.
Put her in jail if this is true
Put her in jail with the gang members. She might wake up then.
Fire her$#%&!@*
Can her ass
She has broken her OATH so should be fired and charged ! If Anybody gets hurt or killed her and her family should be held responsible !
Lock her up to do the time they were supposed to
Fire her sorry$#%&!@*and fine her
Is she still on the job or in prison
Cut all funds going to any agency in the county. See if the public supports her then. Maybe some of the freed criminals will visit her place when she is not home!!!!
Why are they mostly female.