American taxpayers are on the hook once again due for Middle East refugees imported by the Obama administration.
President Obama recently announced that he will be raising the cap on refugees from 70,000 to 85,000, and he will aim for a total of 100,000 next year. The result is that 45,000 Syrians, most likely Muslim, will be coming to settle in the U.S. by the end of next year.
Obama’s plan to destroy the nation by overwhelming it with welfare-dependent jihadists continues to move forward.
See next page for details
Just need 26 large bombs
Hell no
God bless Texas!!
lock and load use two hands for gun control
In the name if God STOP! This a humanitarian act… do not be selfish. It is not about politic and no body kbows if it is in Texas at all .. i am sure they will work harder than most of the US citizen who are in wellfare because of addiction
What they really mean to say is Texas is receiving a flood of Isis & Al Queda operatives and they plan on conquering our nation all thanks to Obama being the greatest traitor this nation has ever known!
Send them back were they came fromn
I hope not….don’t do it
This obamas war on texas
Already there brother, already there!