American taxpayers are on the hook once again due for Middle East refugees imported by the Obama administration.
President Obama recently announced that he will be raising the cap on refugees from 70,000 to 85,000, and he will aim for a total of 100,000 next year. The result is that 45,000 Syrians, most likely Muslim, will be coming to settle in the U.S. by the end of next year.
Obama’s plan to destroy the nation by overwhelming it with welfare-dependent jihadists continues to move forward.
See next page for details
Put them on a bus to Chicago
Price of living up,crime will go up,Wheres the jobs,Houseing,How many languages is a teacher, doctor,ploice gonna have to learn.just thinking.?
We as Texans will fight and they won’t win
I can’t see Gov. Abbott letting them come to Texas unless he absolutely has no choice. But Obama is trying to spread them all over the country so what happened in Paris is probably going to happen here as well.
Call Abbott and your local congressmen and request this to be stopped
This is a military blow to the United States. This will effect all Texans poorly.
This is an unwanted action by the residents of Texas.
This is a call for action. Otherwise very city in America will be attacked like Paris, but on a larger scale.
This is why we had Jade Helm folks.
We need to be careful of what we get.
Every liberal that says we should open our country to them should open their homes to them.
I thought the Governor said this wouldn’tt happen in Texas. or am I missing something ?
I did not see one woman or child in this picture.