American taxpayers are on the hook once again due for Middle East refugees imported by the Obama administration.
President Obama recently announced that he will be raising the cap on refugees from 70,000 to 85,000, and he will aim for a total of 100,000 next year. The result is that 45,000 Syrians, most likely Muslim, will be coming to settle in the U.S. by the end of next year.
Obama’s plan to destroy the nation by overwhelming it with welfare-dependent jihadists continues to move forward.
See next page for details
I think we should all show up armed and welcome them properly.
Tried to get an audience with my Congressman Ratcliffe on this issue but he was too busy to talk to me. This is insanity. Jihadist will come from this group who will kill Americans. This is Obama TREASON and no one is stopping him. We patriotic Americans may have to take this into our own hands if Congress does nothing…as it has been doing. I am fedd up with the lack of Republican opposition and that’s why Trump is doing so well. We are all FED UP!
another Paris
there will come a day when deer rifles will all bark at the same time and when the smoke clears it will take days to count the dead
Hell no send them back most of them are men they can fright for there land freedom does cheap
Oh good…so we too can have rock concerts shot up. #thanksobama
Waiting with my finger in the trigger
Considering what has just happened in Paris, we need to refuse to take them
Ya might wanna rethink that!!!!!