American taxpayers are on the hook once again due for Middle East refugees imported by the Obama administration.
President Obama recently announced that he will be raising the cap on refugees from 70,000 to 85,000, and he will aim for a total of 100,000 next year. The result is that 45,000 Syrians, most likely Muslim, will be coming to settle in the U.S. by the end of next year.
Obama’s plan to destroy the nation by overwhelming it with welfare-dependent jihadists continues to move forward.
See next page for details
“While the humanitarian issue seems to be the main objective of the government policy, the plan is burdening cities and states with thousands of so-called refugees and placing the financial burden squarely on the shoulders of an American public that is already suffering from a weak economy and a continuing wave of legal and illegal immigrants from Latin American and Asia.”
I changed this. Nobody in our audience Obama is being generous here. They all believe that he is intentionally destroying country with this action by importing Democrats/jihadists.
I have also added this to shape the story to our crowd:
While tens of thousand of American veterans are homeless on our streets, Obama is making sure that these ‘refugees’ are set up after they flood into our country.
The FBI has declared that they can’t properly vet these migrants and we have already seen jihadists mixing in with the refugees, or rather, we have witnessed a few refugees mixing in with the jihadists.
Obama is knowingly bringing radical Muslim terrorists into this nation.
I am wondering what Greg Abbot, the Texas governor has to say about all of this. I know he does not like it, but can he prevent it? Lets hope so.
Why isn’t Abbott stopping this c**p in his state? They get to signup for SS and unemployment, this is total BS plus all the other stuff, this has to stop period…help “Make America Great Again” #VoteTrump2016
Isn’t it obvious what he is doing? Islamifying the USA! Isn’t it time for a coup of some kind. Obama is a treacherous degenerate and makes the Democrat Part reek of the foulest evil ever to be perpetrated against Americans from its top leader.
Bring them in record numbers and filling “RED STATES” interesting!!
wtF ! HELL No we are NoT!!!
They did block them from coming here , I get pissed off seeing these false posts !
I live in rocky hill just. across the lake on 103. I know quit a few people in etoile because I grew up with the Mooney’s Morton’s,, kellums and a lot more.
Hell no. Send them all back to Syria.
Sad !