Controversial statements abound concerning race relations in America. People might talk about the unfairness of “white privilege.” But, blacks also have certain “black” privileges.
The topic of race relations is a prime example. White people can’t advocate killing blacks to help racial tensions die back down or suggest they’re less intelligent and incapable of learning. That would get almost any white professor fired and banned for life from academia.
But, anything goes if you’re a black professor. Meet Texas A&M, Professor Tommy Curry.
He shared some shocking thoughts in a video discussing his reactions to watching the film, Django Unchained.
Liberal academia pushes a dangerous agenda. Freedom of speech is now a luxury only offered to minority professors. Students are instructed to believe, not think or question.
That is why Professor Curry’s radical rhetoric is so dangerous in the hands of young impressionable kids.
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Careful of backfire
Well I say an eye for an eye
Maybe when you start killing some white people some white people will return the same favor you never know till you act own your threats.
You really don’t want to go there! It will not end well for you!
Fire this trash
Say when.
How stupid his parents must be very proud of their racist son
We are ready, are you ready for the consequences of you words.
You first you fat bastard!
This is stupid and very racist why do whites have to die we have not done one thing wrong