Texas Professor Instructs Black Students to Practice Radical Self-Defense

Texas A&M Associate Professor Tommy Curry specializes in Critical Race Theory. Don’t be fooled, however. Critical thinking has nothing to do with his specialty. That word is just thrown in for good measure to keep the stupid masses at bay.

Professor Curry is a both a racist, and a recipient of unearned “Black” privilege. He has freedom of speech while discussing race relations in an academic setting. Listen to his rhetoric.

In this interview with a blogcast called Context Of White Supremacy (slogan: “White People Are The Problem”), Curry argues that whites cannot be ignorant of racism (their own or anyone else’s) and that black people who assume that whites are educable on racism are fools. He puts down different black theorists, including Martin Luther King, for actually thinking that white people can be regarded as reasonable. It’s a remarkable thing: a philosophy professor who denies that a people are capable of rational thought because of their race.”

Or Professor Curry’s pro-con list for the popular Quentin Tarantino film as shown in the video below.

“Almost every white person in that movie died a very violent, and very well deserved death.”

“The problem is that the idea of black people going and killing off white people or using radical self-defense is viewed as just entertainment.”

Okay, Professor Curry. Take it easy. Many a jilted bride has also watched Kill Bill. And the judges didn’t accept Tarantino got me riled up as an alibi. But, then again it was probably just because those jilted brides had “white” privilege. Perhaps, Professor Curry is onto something. Liberals have already bought into the idea that whites should be legally responsible for any black who is lagging behind culturally or economically. Next step will be shifting blame onto Tarantino or others for making black people realize they need to go out and start killing white people. Stranger things have happened.

But, to go back to the idea brought up on the first page regarding the plethora of equally determining unearned privileges. How would it benefit stupid people to kill off all the smart people? The poor to kill off the rich. The weak to kill off the strong? The hateful to kill off the loving?

Source: The American Conservative



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