In the latest chapter of news you couldn’t make up, a municipal judge in Corpus Christi, Texas, has been found to not be an American citizen.
Judge Young Min Burkett has been placed on unpaid suspension while city authorities try to sort out how this all happened. One of the requirements for the position is that the holder must be a U.S. citizen.
A native of South Korea, Mrs. Burkett is a legal permanent resident, status she received in 2007. She began her judgeship in March, 2015.
Municipal court judges typically handle violations of local ordinances, small claims proceedings, misdemeanor hearings and some limited criminal matters. Each state can set the parameters of what municipal courts handle. In some locales, they’re called magistrates.
Find out how Judge Burkett managed to get her seat and what the city of Corpus Christi intends to do now about the matter. Details are spelled out on the next page.
Now. ..what they tell you about our country. ..and this a wake up called…maybe, everyone, should start having licences and a proof of citizenship on the backside of it or another piece of plastic of proof …this is getting ridiculous, and this is getting dangerous and somehow we’re going to have to make better choices of how we can keep our government and any other official offices maintain and run by the citizens of this country….and immediately remove those who fail to meet the requirements of either a green card or citizenship to stay in this country… how hard is that
Hang her
Can her…..
So she has a green card……how is it a non citizen is in any office…government or law/legal capacity??
Betty Jean Ross Weidemann – Well… that’s the whole point of the article… They admit they never asked her… they admit it was never posted in the job description… The City didn’t verify her citizenship … I fail to see the correlation between this woman’s actions as a successful immigrant to this country.. and the vitriolic post she has received here today… As an American.. I find not her actions outrageous… but by people who give The country a foul odor by their presence.
Another ovomit monkey
What is intelegent about Social Security and f**e SSN???
Deport his$#%&!@*and go back and redo all those cases he was over
The$#%&!@*know the law.
So deport her!!!!