In the latest chapter of news you couldn’t make up, a municipal judge in Corpus Christi, Texas, has been found to not be an American citizen.
Judge Young Min Burkett has been placed on unpaid suspension while city authorities try to sort out how this all happened. One of the requirements for the position is that the holder must be a U.S. citizen.
A native of South Korea, Mrs. Burkett is a legal permanent resident, status she received in 2007. She began her judgeship in March, 2015.
Municipal court judges typically handle violations of local ordinances, small claims proceedings, misdemeanor hearings and some limited criminal matters. Each state can set the parameters of what municipal courts handle. In some locales, they’re called magistrates.
Find out how Judge Burkett managed to get her seat and what the city of Corpus Christi intends to do now about the matter. Details are spelled out on the next page.
And still you can’t see the corruption on the left, and the real Russia collusion, even with your IQ, libs!!!
She should be removed!!!!!!
Whom created the application must not have known being a
U.S. citizen was important.
More of the liberals bull shitt.
This is a total slap in the face of this country…
James Peter Puffer wake up
Kenneth Hadley – You assuming this has never happened before … Cases that are challenged will be reviewed and only cases that where found to be adjudicated with errors will allowed to proceed with a challenge … The article clearly states the Judge in no way attempted to hide or deceive any persons or officials as to her immigration status… and that in all respects she was truthful and forthcoming.. the sky is not falling.
If they run all city employees through E-Verify. Good chance other non-citizens will be found.
That would make every case she tried null and void!
And that’s a surprise???