Texas Dept. of Public Safety (DPS), has been funded with $1.3 million per week to implement a law enforcement surge to protect the Texas/Mexico border, as directed by Texas Governor Rick Perry, Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, and Speaker Joe Straus.
State Representative Debbie Riddle (R-Tomball) stated “Governor Perry is very angry that the feds are doing nothing about this problem.” She continued stating, “I didn’t expect the feds to do anything.”
Riddle spoke with Governor Perry’s office about the issue and was assured it “is going to be coming soon.” She said Governor Perry’s office is working very closely with Lt. Governor David Dewhurst’s office along with the office of House Speaker Joe Straus.
“They are gathering together everything they need to begin this right away,” Riddle said. She told Breitbart Texas that she could not divulge any information about exactly when, how long, and where the surge would be for reasons of operational security. She also could not disclose what the operational objectives would be at this time.
Riddle said, “We are going to feel this particularly here in the Houston area because of Houston’s role as a command and control center for the cartels–for both their drug and human trafficking operations.” She added that Texas Department of Public Safety Director (DPS) Steve McCraw told her last week that Houston is still the hub for these operations.
Perry Press Release – Texas Border Surge
Texas is awesome !!!
Go Texas send them all back! I said it judge me not said I!
Good for Texas!!!
if the government can bus all these children to other US states, then they can bus these children back where they came from. The US CANNOT afford the additional 100,000 people who will need support. Maybe since Mexico allowed them to cross their borders to get here, we can ship them all back to Mexico
Alright! Texas 1 – Obama 000000000000
Most people dont realize that america either has to fall or be swallowed up in catastrophic disasters or conpletely turn against israel bc of the,leadership, but the bible says that all the nations will come sgainst israel in the,last days, so where does that leave,usa?…disaster revolution or attack from enemy…God used children of israel to carry out his judgements by wars against other wicked nations but he also used natural disasters to do it as well so you can see we had a bible based constitutional republic which was written and led by humans who did believe the bible and christian God was the best way to help influence the govt of the people for the,people and by the people but we have,forsaken the bible and constitution and God and gone the other way so as scripture says you reap what you sow…we are reaping it one generation to the next this didnt happen over night it took several generations….but you say what can we do?…nothing but prayer and fasting and prepare your heart to be persecuted ie tortured and killed and unjustly treated settle your hearts on Jesus and his words and heaven as,your home seek not the,things of this world but store up treasure in heaven…we are vastly approaching our end!… scary well if your not sure where youll be when your dead then yuppers it would be but if your trusting completely in what Jeaus did at calvary then noone can pluck you from his hands your sealed till the day of redemption by his holy spirit of promise….we did sinning Jesus did the saving thats it grace through faith alone not of works lest anyone should boast….this country will fall…we will all die one day…then what?…..
Good for Texas , but what an incredible strain this will be on the budget .
Right On Texas !!
Texas Nationalist Movement, “God Blessed Texas with His Own Hand”
way to go texas