Texas Gov.-elect Greg Abbott announced yesterday that Texas will lead a 17-state coalition to sue the Obama admin for the President’s illegal executive orders on immigration.
Filed yesterday in U.S. District Court in Texas, the defendants of the lawsuitare the heads of the predominant immigration enforcement agencies.
Obama most has most definitely broken the law here. His actions are NOT like Ronald Reagan’s and George H.W. Bush’s, despite what Democrats say. The main difference is…
where are the rest
Save AMERICA, IMPEACH OBAMA! OBAMA must be IMPEACHED, because if he is not then every president that follows him will think that he, like OBAMA, can ignore our Constitution and Bill of Rights.
I wish they could sue his personal assets
Good. Obama said out of his own mouth that what he was doing was illegal.
Figures. Another Fox “News” story intended to do nothing but inflame the masses into acting up so that nothing can be done…
Someday, someone with a brain will look back on this & laugh…
deport all muslims and illegals along with obummer
About time!!!!!!
How many scandals do we have to put up with the right manufacturing?
It’s BAND together not BANNED. I just thought you should know.
I still agree with your post though.
State need a constitutions convention . take control of the federal . impeachment on allin administration .. for. Obama Biden .the congress .all cabinet .and supreme court too.