Texas Gov.-elect Greg Abbott announced yesterday that Texas will lead a 17-state coalition to sue the Obama admin for the President’s illegal executive orders on immigration.
Filed yesterday in U.S. District Court in Texas, the defendants of the lawsuitare the heads of the predominant immigration enforcement agencies.
Obama most has most definitely broken the law here. His actions are NOT like Ronald Reagan’s and George H.W. Bush’s, despite what Democrats say. The main difference is…
Who’s next after Latinos? Maybe start next with Vietnamese or Cambodians? Your bigotry and ignorance seem to have no limits! Good luck with your plan!!!
@Larry Graves I don’t recall mentioning any race at all. All my comments are directed toward illegal aliens makes no difference where they come from, their ethnic background, or the color of their skin. If they’re illegal aliens then my original comment applies.
The President must take care and enforce the current laws!
The President MUST take care and secure the borders -enforce the existing laws. He has NO power to create laws to circumvent laws!
Get r done
Wrong!! He was completely within his legal right. But hey if the right wants to push this I say go ahead with a smirk. You just lost 2016 by a landslide!!
Ban together to stop this wannabe dictator. He’s a D–K, all right!!! His immigration policy is not fair to the people who actually followed the laws & became U S citizens. Please get rid of him, now!!!
We do not owe!
During the times of Blood Moons, when the ACLU/Atheists clamor for the statues of Baphomet, and against Speech and the Cross, and every semblance of Christianity, when Texas and the United States have no border, and as the Houston mayor completely disregards the Constitution, and clamors for the souls of the preachers–and all our souls–and as we see the headless kids, and the other atrocities, do you doubt whom is the real enemy? We battle against the devil, himself. And we must fight fire with fire.
The white liberals, those who have rejected the word of God, and God, Himself, who are blinded by satan, and, also, those who receive, furiously play their Race Cards at any who would not agree that he owes and must pay. Peruse the emblem and know that these will scream and hiss like snakes at any who would dare have ANY pride in himself, or his country, or his God. Their reaction to the symbol is proof enough that they share the sentiment of their master, and have received the Mark of Cain, and it is proof they HATE white people. And it is proof of the hallmark of the devil, that the guilty accuse the innocent, as those who cannot know love scream “haters gonna hate.”
But do you have the temerity to call me radical?
We consider the metabolic process called Glycolysis, and the white muscle fibers in the breasts of chickens, and quail, and the legs of world-class sprinters, and NFL running backs, and, also, we consider the existence of the Israelis, God’s Chosen People, and we consider that the devil lied, and decreed that difference, and inherent superiority, does not exist, and that the contention for difference and superiority is disallowed, and that there are no differences among the races, that all of the world is the same, and that there is only one world race.
In agreement with the devil’s decree the devil pronounced there were no differences between men and women, and that animals have rights equivalent to humans. And, also, that man is not above creation, but subservient to Creation, and of less value than Creation, and that population should be controlled for the sake of the Creation that is not maintained by a God that does not exist, anyway. He prepared his labels for those who would contend for the word of God, “racist,” “sexist,” “specieist,” etc.
The devil is a continual liar and his pronouncements and decrees always contradict the word of God which is the truth. The devil hates the word of God and must flee from it, and it is the word of God which will reveal the lies and the ploys of the devil.
And lies always have an ulterior motive. The part of the story the shyster salesman forgot to mention. Ask Eve, from the Garden of Eden about it.The devil decreed the contention of difference and superiority, by definition, Racism, was disallowed. But then he also decreed that since one would be racist if he would not reject superiority, he would also be racist if he would not accept the mutually exclusive category, inferiority, and that one will be deemed racist if he will not agree that he owes,and must pay, and that in general one must denigrate himself, and his country and his God, and must apologize.
And so we have the Non-Scriptural Decree of the New World Order, The Decree, the devil’s lie, the mantra of all the Godless horde (those apart from God), and the devil’s stronghold in the minds of white people after indoctrination, that
“You owe, and you must pay, for you will be racist if you will not pay, and you cannot be racist.”
He who will not agree that he owes and must pay will be deemed racist, and the Godless horde will furiously play their Race Cards against one such, even against one who will even speak of the matter, contending that one owes his right to speak.
Ask Harry Reid if the “Redskins,” will be enough, or if the New World Order will soon find politically incorrect, and we be asked to pay the Cleveland “Indians.” The Dallas “Cowboys?” Or ask him if paying the provision of Free Speech in the Constitution, will satiate the New World Order’s appetite for control.
Ask Obama about a free Internet, or the monitors he wishes for the newsrooms, as the demonized, politicized IRS claims they can invade the Spirit-filled churches. Ask the Houston Mayor about it, as she clamors for the portions of God’s word that offends her. And clamors for the souls of the pastors. And is their fight not the fight of us all for will she soon not wish to jail ANYONE who speaks ANY of God’s word? As the devil wishes to rise above God, to be worshipped as God, establishing his New World Order, where he is worshipped and God is not worshipped, or mentioned, or remembered.
For he who accepts the devil’s decree, there are no stipulations on what is owed, or time length for the debt, and when the Race Card is presented, the accusation of Racism, he who accepts The Decree (so that he will not be deemed racist), MUST pay (“for you will be racist if you will not pay and you cannot be racist”), and he owes anything and everything, forever, whatever is asked, and love, likes, approval, Great Consideration of, and Great Solicitation for, the will, and wishes, and feelings of the Godless horde, and the devil, himself, and he can never criticize, and must remain silent, and can only praise, if he would be allowed to speak at all, and praise, tithes, and worship, and he owes his country, and his life, and his soul. Anything and everything, forever, whatever is demanded. Slavery. Worship. Whoredom. IDOLATRY!
And what he is charged is solely dependent upon what the Godless horde, and the the devil, himself, wishes to charge. And they owe nothing in return. The debtor will owe, even in hell. Forever. And ask the man-in-the-street, or the fellow you know, if REPARATIONS will end the debt. The debt can never be settled.
How long will we listen to the lies of the devil? How long will we pay him?
The devil can take your country, and your life, if you agree that you owe, and must pay the Godless horde, and him, anything and everything, forever. He can make you worship him. He can take your soul.
It is a hallmark of the devil that the guilty accuse the innocent, as the participants of the White Privilege Conference, who claim they are owed, are accorded privilege by the world, the Affirmative Action, and one-sided hate laws, and the Multiculturalism Department, and are accorded these because the devil, himself, says they are owed. Yet these participants, and the devil, himself, accuse whites for the privilege that comes from God, accusing those who do not claim they are owed, and do not share in the privileges bestowed by the world. Sneering and accusing them of privilege and simultaneously screaming that they are owed and receiving themselves the privileges bestowed by the world? But the devil HATES anything that is of God. Ask those who play the Knockout Game. And where did you think the Knockout Game came from?
It is the hatred of the devil, himself, that is manifested in his servants, who accuse, and say “haters gonna hate,” of anyone who will not pay to them anything and everything, forever, or even if they do pay, as they kill, and maim, and destroy, and wish to burn the town down. And the more one pays, the more he will be asked to pay.
As the white, liberal shills of the devil are blinded, and happily pay, and scream that others must pay, too, anxious to do the devil’s will, and anxious to cajole and indoctrinate, hoping to lead others down the devil’s path.
And ask Chris Matthews about it, as he apologizes that God made him white, obeying his master, and hoping to cause others to follow him to their deaths.
We can consider PRIVILEGE. White people ARE privileged. By God. Not by the world. And so the servants of the devil, those who bear the mark of Cain, who are accorded every privilege bestowed by the world, because the devil says they are owed, sneer at white people, and call them “privileged,” because they hate the things that are of God, as their master, the devil, himself, hates the things of God.
A facebook acquaintance, friend of mine, conservative, ex-military, Texas A&M guy. Texan. Marine, through and through. Young guy with kids. He suddenly showed up, and called me a “Fightin’ Texas Aggie.” He reads everything, and gives me a lot of encouragement. He is my friend. He mentioned starting a show on his radio program. He said that I would come on. He did use the term “radical,” in regard to me.
I speak the truth. I tell it like it is. I consider matters in the light of God’s word which is THE TRUTH. I would destroy the lies of the devil, the ploys which are the works of the devil that he use so that he might drag people down to hell. Those lies are refuted with the word of God, with consideration of the word of God, and the ministrations of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit does speak to believers, and tells them the truth, interpreting what is written, what they hear. I would stand in the gap, and speak the truth of the word of God against evil, to destroy the works of the devil so they would not be killed. And drug down to hell.
Jesus Christ came to do the same. He is the ultimate example of one who stood in the gap against evil, speaking the truth of God’s word. It was THE REASON he lived among us. He came to destroy the works of the devil. He had a ministry, and turned the water to wine, and healed, and raised them from the dead. But he was not the word made flesh among us so that he could do tricks. He came to die. And it is the mandate of Christians, those who would follow Him, who would be Christ-like. It is the sword of the Spirit, the word of God which will reveal the devil’s lies, and we stand forth and speak the truth of God’s word to tear down the strongholds of the devil, so that he will not drag people, all of humanity, into hell with him.
I was a teacher, did you know? In Dallas. But I cannot be a teacher and speak the truth, Ask The Teacher of the Year at the Duncanville High School, the suburb of Dallas. Ask her about the attitude of her colleagues. Or ask her about Education in general. Ask her about the Common Core curriculum, and how it will teach your kids to be slaves. Ask her about the Ferguson rioters, the shining end products of the educational system administered by those such as she, who says you do not have the right to speak of the Ferguson rioters, and can only praise them, if you would be allowed to speak at all, and “go kill yourselves…dumb, duck-ass crackers.”
It is Agape Love that will make one stand forth and speak the truth, which is God’s word, standing in the gap against evil, which is the lies and ploys of the devil, which are the works of the devil, and used by him such that he would drag humanity down to hell with him. And you will stand forth because you cannot stand the works of the devil, and you cannot stand the lies and the ploys, as he would deceive people, and destroy their lives, and drag them down to hell. God and Jesus felt the same, and hated evil, and because of their great Apape Love, They stood forth, and it is written “Let those who love the Lord hate evil.”
And it is faith. Who will stand against me if God stands with me?” Give me a shotgun, or a toothbrush, and I will stand against all the horde of hell and the devil, himself. God will care for me. I depend upon Him.
But do you see? I have already done so.
And do you have the temerity to say that I am radical?
Garth Brooks will agree with you! And your liberal Chistian friends! As they have their visions, and wait for gold dust to fall from the sky! And stand in solidarity with the rioters! Politically correct! Owing and paying and worshipping! As the rioters burn Ferguson, and say you cannot criticize them, and you would only be allowed to praise them, if you would be allowed to speak at all. As they wish to burn every American city. As they wish to kill you. As they scream that you must die, and as you listen, and owe, and pay, and worship them.
Empowering and enabling them.
With your forced adherence to political correctness, which is the control of speech and concomitant thought and action, the forced adherence to the pronouncements and decrees of the New World Order. As you whore after your gods of Racism and the New World Order, limping barefoot over the broken glass and concrete of the burned cities, and whining and crying, whimpering piteously, owing and paying, and worshipping. Whoring after your gods. IDOLATERS!
But do you have the temerity to say that I am radical?
O’ Whore, White Sheople Christian? Ask the vaunted Illuminati, Oprah, who denies Christ and says all the white racists must die, and who says you cannot criticize Obama, for it is racism for you to do so, no matter what he does, no matter that he is cursed by God. And you must remain silent. And you can only praise him, if you would be allowed to speak at all?
O’ Whore, White, Sheople Christian. Do you contend that you serve our God? Or do you admit that you serve the gods of Racism and the New World Order, jostled along by the Godless horde to your deaths, whining and crying.
Do you say that I am radical?
Ask the lover of money, the traitor, The Reverend of the god of Racism, Al Sharpton, as he stands with the ISIS/Hamas/Muslims, and against us, and America. And God. As he has the unmitigated gall to tell you what your rights are, and what you are allowed to say, playing his Race Card, his accusation of Racism, as he says it is racism for white people to speak of matters of race, and that they do not have the right to do so. And that you will keep your mouths shut! No matter how many die in the Knockout Games! In America, or the Middle East! No matter how many cities burn! As he and the ISIS/Hamas/Muslims, and the federal government, and the Trayvon Road Crew tie the hands of the police and encourage the rioters.
Did you know that God says that those who receive, and those who pay, will go to hell? The Reverend of the god of Racism, and the devil, left that part out, when they told you that you do not have the right to discuss the matter, and that you will keep your mouths shut! Stomping and blustering, screaming at whores who listen to them. Wishing to quell discussion–and consideration–of the matter. And the devil will drag down to hell all who pay, and all who receive. But The Reverend of the god of Racism forgot to tell you about that? Ask Eve, from the Garden of Eden about deception. It seems things have not changed, and the devil still uses the same tactics.
The white liberals, those who have rejected the word of God, and God, Himself, who are blinded by satan, and, also, those who receive, agree with The Reverend of the god of Racism, Al Sharpton, and furiously play their Race Cards at any who would not agree that he owes and must pay. And peruse the emblem and know that these will scream and hiss like snakes at any who would dare have ANY pride in himself, or his country, or his God.
And you have the temerity to call me radical?
Revelations 22:8-10: “I, John, am the one who heard and saw these things. And when I heard and saw, I fell down to worship at the feet of the angel who showed me these things. 9But he said to me, “Do not do that. I am a fellow servant of yours and of your brethren the prophets and of those who heed the words of this book. Worship God.” 10And he said to me, “Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is near.”
There is a reason that John’s angel would not let John worship him: He did not want John–AND HIM–to go to hell! Another angel made that mistake. His name is satan. And he still wishes for worship today. Worship for him, and his Godless horde. As it is written that he would.
And you have the temerity to call me radical?
Jesus paid the price so that we would owe no man or god.
And our jealous God did not make us debtors to the Godless horde and the devil, himself, owing them what God requires for Himself, and He will absolutely NOT understand that you pay to them love, likes, approval, Great Consideration of, and Great Solicitation for, the will, wishes, and feelings of them and the devil, such that you must never criticize them, and can only praise them if you would be allowed to speak at all, and praise, tithes and worship, and your country, your life, and your soul, and anything and everything, forever, whatever is demanded that you pay them. He will not understand praise. And worship. And whoredom. IDOLATRY. Praise as you are killed. Worship as you are murdered. Such that you can only praise them, if you would be allowed to speak at all, as they clamor to murder you, and burn the cities down. Ask the Ferguson rioters about it. Or The Teacher of the Year at the Duncanville High School in Texas. Or Oprah, or The Reverend of the god of Racism, or Obama, or any of the Godless horde.
It is written “Let those who love the Lord hate evil.” And so we see that fear is the wrong emotion for evil. Though the devil fervently wishes for you to fear him. His servants are called “terrorists” for a reason.
It is written that a lake of fire is prepared for cowards, and that the unprofitable servant will be cast into outer darkness. God says fear He who can kill the body–and the soul–in hell.
It is written “who will stand against me if God is for me.”
God says fear God, not these others. God says you do not owe. God says you will not pay. God says you will listen to no argument such that you would disregard Him, or His word, or His commandments, and that includes the Race Card and The Devil’s Decree, or ANY lie from the devil, or those who bear the Mark of Cain, and you can consult the word of God, and ask Eve, from the Garden of Eden, if anything bad might happen if you would do so. God says you will go to hell, if you do so. And those you pay will go with you.
God CANNOT stand for us, if we will worship the Godless horde, and the devil, himself.
God says turn from them, and worship them no more.
So that God CAN stand for us!
As to whether you die, the devil says “What difference does it make?”
By the grace of God, Texas, and America, stand with God’s Chosen People, the Israelis, against a common enemy, and the enemy of our God.
God requires the Israelis–His Chosen People–to wish for their lives, and to fight for their survival. Will he require less of us?
Dead men do not stand in the gap, and speak the truth of God’s word against evil; nor do they fulfill the Great Commission.
God DEMANDS that we wish for our lives, and that we fight for our survival. And the survival of America and Texas. He is not asking. He is DEMANDING.
I would be as Phinehas, and avert the plague that might destroy a nation. The plague of IDOLATRY! And I claim the blessing of Phinehas, and I receive it. Because I would stand forth. Or do you not believe our God is the same as in the day of Phinehas?
As the liberals laugh and sneer, and scream and hiss, and furiously play their Race Cards, and dissolve into a cocophony of squeals and titters, the liberal witches from hell, I say I have faith in our God. I will not fear.
Do you have the temerity to call me radical?
Hah! I paid the price to say this to the world. To childhood friends long gone. To people I will never know. It is worth it. For what might come from these words alone. And what might even one do, if he stands with God. And for all the world I would not let them go, to succumb to the works of the devil, to the devil’s lies and ploys, so that they might be drug down to hell, because I would not speak. They can keep their teaching job. Give me my shotgun. Or my toothbrush. And let the horde of hell line up.
If you have faith in our God, now is the time to show it. Stand forth. Receive your own blessings.
And I was told that an Army comes. A worldwide Flood of the Spirit. For fields already white to harvest. They told me in Dallas, and in Galveston, that it would start in Texas.
Dan T. Chandler, Copyright 2014, ARR
Too bad Calif isn’t in that mix, moon beam Brown is one of Obamas cronies!
The Other 33 State’s MUST Also Get On Board-UNITED STAND!!! BRAVO, GOV. ABBOTT!!!