It’s an absurd idea. In fact, it’s so crazy, that an uninformed citizen might be excused for thinking it’s some kind of joke. The topic is so-called “sanctuary cities” — places in the US where illegal aliens can stay without fear of deportment or suffering any penalties for violating the immigration laws.
It starts to make a bit of sense when viewed in the context of Mr. Obama’s statements that were tantamount to telling non-citizens that they could vote in the recent election. Quite a “get out the vote” effort by the nation’s top Democrat.
This crazy plan is starting to run into trouble, one by-product of the election of Donald Trump who, as president, says he’s going to enforce the laws.
Details on the push-back against sanctuary cities on page two.
Proud of you
Very good I love that
Ok that’s far enough Texas start thinking open minded will you and stop fantasizing
That my Governor. Who needs legs to kick$#%&!@*.
its about time they put a stop to this bull c**p
To bad we dont have more governors with balls to do the same thing .