Liberal court decisions are also imposed by preventing selected cases from being presented before the court. With the death of Justice Scalia, court ideology is evenly split, and justice is therefore less likely to be determined, and partisan mandates will instead be memorialized.
One pending case before the court is a challenge to Obama’s outrageous and unconstitutional decision to issue an executive order to ignore the immigration laws of this country, and to prohibit the border patrol and the immigration department from enforcing the law and deporting illegal aliens according to the law.
Obama dreams of adding somewhere between eleven and twenty five million voters to the Democrat roles by nationalizing these illegal immigrants, and he has been willing to flout any law or precedent to make that happen. And while this is a very big issue and could change the entire landscape of the country, Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott indicates that the consequences will be much larger if Obama’s wilful lawlessness is allowed to stand.
See Gov. Abbott’s arguments against Obama’s actions, page 2:
noen kan vel bare fjerne den etter han er gått av
This does not even belong in front of SCOTUS. The EO was written by Barry and HE CAN’T WRITE LAW PERIOD!!!!!! NO matter how SCOTUS tries to twist and turn in this dance any further ruling trashing constitution should require immediate removal of Barry and jail him for treason and sedition.
Yes he can and no they don’t mean s**t
Send Obama to the gabage heap of history..the most inconsequential American president in history !
Obama thinks he can do whatever he wants!! And he pretty much has!!!!
Lets Go Nebraska & West Virgina Time For Your State To Shine!The RNC Should Realize That He Has Already Earned The Nomination By Reviving The GOP Party Bringing In Record Numbers Of Republicans, Democrates & Independents Voters Out To Support Donald J. Trump As Our Next President Of The Unites States Of America!
He’s our Fuehrer.
He can’t write laws hell he can’t write anything that makes sense look at the health care law he wrote or helped write he is a lawless treasonous punk his$#%&!@*should be in front of a firing squad for helping our enemies
Um, shouldn’t the US MILITARY be stepping in right about now?
This Lawless Fraudulent Anti-American Anti- Christ
Anti-Citizen Needs To Be Impeached Immediately Amen