Instead of giving Obama the photo op he wants – Texas Gov. Rick Perry told Obama to actually meet with him instead of wasting time on the tarmac:
In his letter to the president:
“I appreciate the offer to greet you at Austin-Bergstrom Airport, but a quick handshake on the tarmac will not allow for a thoughtful discussion regarding the humanitarian and national security crises enveloping the Rio Grande Valley in South Texas,” Mr. Perry wrote. “I would instead offer to meet with you at any time during your visit to Texas for a substantive meeting to discuss this critical issue.”
Obama is going to Texas to campaign, going to 2 fundraisers instead of actually being hands-on with the crisis, as Perry illustrates with his refusing to shake the hand of our Campainer-In-Chief.
Recently Perry stated Obama ‘doesn’t care’ that the border isn’t secure and went so far as to say the federal government ‘is in on this somehow.” Perry continued stating, “I hate to sound conspiratorial but how do you move that many people from Central America across Mexico and into the United States without there being a fairly coordinated effort.”
It is small thinking that puts words out there of slander for those we elect. The facts are difficult to come by in this world: so cover yourselves with a fairytale and live the American Dream! half joke. All of our leaders have dirty laundry to wash. But, can we get to the solution, SOONer than LATEr ? None of us are perfect; we live in an imperfect world: the human race. Let us come together and find the negotiating grounds for all Americans! God knows the Truth.
Right ,your on the right track,i believe
Don’t let him start singing and doing the slow walk shuffle with his tap shoes on
I hope Rick Perry has some US Marshalls with him and they arrest the anti-American Imposter In Chief for dereliction of duty! We’ve had enough.
Slander means the critical comment was a lie- there is no slander when it comes to Obama- everything he says is false. His track record is there for any open minded citizen to see.
I agree with rick this is all obamas doing
Obama is not going to do a $#%&!@*ing thing about our borders.
Fundamental transformation of America….
Good for him,we need the rest of the nations governors to stand up to OBOZO !!
Moon-beam brown will kiss obozzo’s ass no matter what though.