Instead of giving Obama the photo op he wants – Texas Gov. Rick Perry told Obama to actually meet with him instead of wasting time on the tarmac:
In his letter to the president:
“I appreciate the offer to greet you at Austin-Bergstrom Airport, but a quick handshake on the tarmac will not allow for a thoughtful discussion regarding the humanitarian and national security crises enveloping the Rio Grande Valley in South Texas,” Mr. Perry wrote. “I would instead offer to meet with you at any time during your visit to Texas for a substantive meeting to discuss this critical issue.”
Obama is going to Texas to campaign, going to 2 fundraisers instead of actually being hands-on with the crisis, as Perry illustrates with his refusing to shake the hand of our Campainer-In-Chief.
Recently Perry stated Obama ‘doesn’t care’ that the border isn’t secure and went so far as to say the federal government ‘is in on this somehow.” Perry continued stating, “I hate to sound conspiratorial but how do you move that many people from Central America across Mexico and into the United States without there being a fairly coordinated effort.”
The story’s being misconstrued, but I get the guys trying to make a point. Obamas at a fundraiser with Robert Rodriguez, who made the machete movies, which advocate illegals, and his state is inundated with the spoils of Obamas admin. Personally, I mighta bitch slapped Obamas punk ass, so it’s prob better that he’s there and not me..
You don’t need that $#%&!@* on his hand
So Governor do something about it! This is not a time for lip service.
good for Rick P. and I hope O.B. was upset, because OB made this mess,,,didn’t he??
Show this $#%&!@* wad we have had enough sign my petition to impeach the scum Muslim liar Obama
Probably only coming down there to smuggle some of the brotherhood to dc to hang out with n give orders to
your right on.. it is orchestrated by someone in charge.. to let the terrorist in.. who would ever know.. plus the cowards always use woman and children to get what they want!!!
WTG gov stick to your guns you have the guts I don’t you do
More Governors need to follow Rick’s Lead Amen