Instead of giving Obama the photo op he wants – Texas Gov. Rick Perry told Obama to actually meet with him instead of wasting time on the tarmac:
In his letter to the president:
“I appreciate the offer to greet you at Austin-Bergstrom Airport, but a quick handshake on the tarmac will not allow for a thoughtful discussion regarding the humanitarian and national security crises enveloping the Rio Grande Valley in South Texas,” Mr. Perry wrote. “I would instead offer to meet with you at any time during your visit to Texas for a substantive meeting to discuss this critical issue.”
Obama is going to Texas to campaign, going to 2 fundraisers instead of actually being hands-on with the crisis, as Perry illustrates with his refusing to shake the hand of our Campainer-In-Chief.
Recently Perry stated Obama ‘doesn’t care’ that the border isn’t secure and went so far as to say the federal government ‘is in on this somehow.” Perry continued stating, “I hate to sound conspiratorial but how do you move that many people from Central America across Mexico and into the United States without there being a fairly coordinated effort.”
The border has been a problem before he came along!
It’s about creating a Race war to keep us squabbling & divided… plus, many are speculating there are jihadish in most of the bus’s… we should be able to see who all is in the there…???
shut that freckin boarder
And those muslim terrorist entering our southern border maybe carrying a dirty bomb to a city near you!
maybe thats where the 6bil missing from dept State went…?
Please don’t shake his hand until he comes to the border and personally tells the illegals that the free ride is all over…..and round up the terrorists that his political pawns (the children) allowed your neighborhood terrorist free entry…………….Now he wants money from us to pay for it….He needs defunded and let the militia….the Texas Rangers, the bikers, and the National Guard turn them all back at the border and round up the ones who already made it thru and send them back too…..Oops…you say that’s illegal………………Well that is how you treat illegals……solve the problem and Obama can apologize to them later!
to bad it’s not in Dallas, by the grassy noel!
Good for you gov perry please keep your hands clean