Instead of giving Obama the photo op he wants – Texas Gov. Rick Perry told Obama to actually meet with him instead of wasting time on the tarmac:
In his letter to the president:
“I appreciate the offer to greet you at Austin-Bergstrom Airport, but a quick handshake on the tarmac will not allow for a thoughtful discussion regarding the humanitarian and national security crises enveloping the Rio Grande Valley in South Texas,” Mr. Perry wrote. “I would instead offer to meet with you at any time during your visit to Texas for a substantive meeting to discuss this critical issue.”
Obama is going to Texas to campaign, going to 2 fundraisers instead of actually being hands-on with the crisis, as Perry illustrates with his refusing to shake the hand of our Campainer-In-Chief.
Recently Perry stated Obama ‘doesn’t care’ that the border isn’t secure and went so far as to say the federal government ‘is in on this somehow.” Perry continued stating, “I hate to sound conspiratorial but how do you move that many people from Central America across Mexico and into the United States without there being a fairly coordinated effort.”
scarbelly says:
“texas had it’s own country and came crawling back with its tail between its legs because they failed. that’s how the state of Oklahoma as we now know it was formed. know your history”
Perry goes to all other states giving tax free incentives to companies stealing jobs. I wouldn’t shake his hand. Do the Koch brothers pay for all of this so they can run the country. You retards would support that because they are white. President Obama had a white mother!! Of course Texas hates women and don’t want them to have any rights
kill the dallar obozo most transparent traiter ever..
I wish California were like Texas!
Obama doesn’t care about Latino’s
You people are crazy!!! Obama doesn’t care about the Rights of Women, nor anyone or anything else…Obama is all about his Agenda…Destroying America….why does “Everything” always have to be about “Women” or “Women’s Issue’s” that is what the “Dumbocrats” want….”Keep Women Under Their Thumb” by making them feel as if they cannot do anything for themselves….that they need the “Dumbocratic Party” to do everything for them….Including “Having everyone else, Pay for Your Birth Control” you know what this does??? It makes you “Whiny” women Look Like “Helpless Morons” C’mon grow up…Be “Truly Independent” Celebrate the “Freedom’s of being Female in America”, look at the “Middle Eastern” Female….they have no Rights and Certainly NO FREEDOMS….they aren’t even allowed out of their HOMES, let alone to Drive a Car, or anything else…I am “Sick and Tired” of your Whining, and always playing the Race Card….You all “Make Me Sick”….Spineless is what you are………Amen!
I wouldn’t shake that “Lying Fraud’s” hand either….Rick Perry know’s what this Creep is about…..Destroying America….This Crisis on our Southwestern Borders is the Total Creation of “Barack Hussein Obama” another Brick in his “Agenda” to “Fundamentally Change America” Wake up People…..his “Agenda” is to Overwhelm our System, destroy our “Economy” divide “Our Nation” and then “Stand Back” and watch the “Greatest Country in the History of the World” Implode…..Amen…
He shoulda arrested him the second he set foot on Texas soil!
@ David Hogan….wish it so bad 🙁