Instead of giving Obama the photo op he wants – Texas Gov. Rick Perry told Obama to actually meet with him instead of wasting time on the tarmac:
In his letter to the president:
“I appreciate the offer to greet you at Austin-Bergstrom Airport, but a quick handshake on the tarmac will not allow for a thoughtful discussion regarding the humanitarian and national security crises enveloping the Rio Grande Valley in South Texas,” Mr. Perry wrote. “I would instead offer to meet with you at any time during your visit to Texas for a substantive meeting to discuss this critical issue.”
Obama is going to Texas to campaign, going to 2 fundraisers instead of actually being hands-on with the crisis, as Perry illustrates with his refusing to shake the hand of our Campainer-In-Chief.
Recently Perry stated Obama ‘doesn’t care’ that the border isn’t secure and went so far as to say the federal government ‘is in on this somehow.” Perry continued stating, “I hate to sound conspiratorial but how do you move that many people from Central America across Mexico and into the United States without there being a fairly coordinated effort.”
Obama is a f**e
One of my facebook friends has brought up a very plausible, very possible, scary probability in that these hordes so far are only the beginning of a real invasion from Mexico! I agree with him! The Mexican Military has been making incursions into our country for years, the last time with a helicopter—if that isn’t testing the waters for a full invasion, I don’t know what is! They know our government isn’t going to help the folks along the border, so they figure they can sweep in and take over! Another, terrifying possibility lies with the fact China has been cozying up to Mexico for about a year to two years, now–ostensibly exchanging ideas for oil trade as well as other trade. However, there is still the strong possibility there might be Chinese troops among the Mexican as well—they have fairly well made it clear over the past several months that they feel they can take us on and win!
@OLD SALT: You are on the right track, but the Illluminati have nothing to do with this invasion! It is the Latinos, pure and simple!
Spreading disease through America on out planes buses camps and forts ! Make way for the new humanitarian crisis
We need to impeach the bastard and take our country back by force if necessary !
No it’s an orchestrated plan set in motion over successive decades to enable this president to use EO’s FEMA…. It’s a way to implode USA… The guy is Kenyan born and not even eligible to be USA president!!
He is using all forces to implode and destabilise USA to create a set up for martial law… Then FEMA is enabled and boom!!! COMMUNISM!!!
Winona… They do… It’s happening globally too!!! So it’s all orchestrated… By the illuminati … Each person has their role to play… But this is on such a scale it’s incomprehensible… BUT IT IS HAPPENING!!
Only if we let them, then it will be on us
WTFG Rick!
Oh Rick is absolutely correct. Nobody in their right state of mind can honestly accept the lie that countries like Guatemala and El Salvador and Mexico were not aware of a massive flood of people moving across land leaving a massive headache for anybody who contacts this flood. This is not Thirty or fifty people, this is at the least 3 battalions of bodies. They saw them coming weeks in advance and did NOTHING!