The election has already been won for Donald Trump, but some in the GOP are doing everything they can to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
You would think after the real estate tycoon showed up the entire political and media establishment and won districts that voted for Obama twice that Republican veterans would be kissing the guy’s feet, but some are already plotting to undermine his presidency before it even begins. This means that it will be harder for conservatives to capitalize on their smashing defeat of the Democrats and finally push through an agenda that benefits the American people.
In any case, it is up to us to do our part to push the GOP to support Trump’s agenda and see to it that he is able to keep his campaign promises and make America great again.
Learn how one Republican is trying to undermine Trump on the next page:
This folks is an A # 1$#%&!@* Simple as that! He’s STILL debating with himself over who he – as an Electorate should vote for ‘BUT IT WON’T BE DONALD TRUMP!’ Seriously?!
We didn’t vote for Trump because we all liked the Republican Party, we voted in spite of the Republican Party. We have some in our own party who are totally WORTHLESS and might as well be DemonCraps. They will all be found out, just like this fool who now will not cast his vote, and in time they will all be weeded out.
That p.o.s. is scared of term limits..! He hasn’t made $$$ from the taxpayers yet.! God forbid he gets paid for unemployment..
It’s going to be so sad to see so many Elector’s not there any more.
You hit the nail on the head…..
Not one person in Texas decided to relegate their voting rights to you so that you could decide what you wanted, instead of what the people you represent want. How utterly kingly of you to make their decisions for them!
Let’s keep it simple. Just shoot the M@!#÷& F”(%£&
Before recount, Hillary Clinton has already caught up by 26,317 votes in Pennsylvania
There is going to be hell to pay & these traitor electors will be on the bad end & their names should be made public & power stripped,,,,,Ron