The election has already been won for Donald Trump, but some in the GOP are doing everything they can to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
You would think after the real estate tycoon showed up the entire political and media establishment and won districts that voted for Obama twice that Republican veterans would be kissing the guy’s feet, but some are already plotting to undermine his presidency before it even begins. This means that it will be harder for conservatives to capitalize on their smashing defeat of the Democrats and finally push through an agenda that benefits the American people.
In any case, it is up to us to do our part to push the GOP to support Trump’s agenda and see to it that he is able to keep his campaign promises and make America great again.
Learn how one Republican is trying to undermine Trump on the next page:
F**k that p***k!
Electoral representatives should be charged crimanly, for election tampering, if they refuse to vote per election results. Donald J Trump won this election. The voters said so .
Little babies just act like that wawawawawa.
BOYCOTT TIME MAGAZINE THIS MONTH. Trumpster’s what do you think about Trump being named as man of the year. AWESOME RIGHT. Look on the cover and note ” president of the divider states of America. This is rude and I think we should boycott purchasing this edition. I supported Trump from day one. I do not support TIme. Boycott TIme.
Who are suckers Jackass??
Then do not vote for anybody if your no going to vote for who you said you would in the being$#%&!@*
Send out the Texas Rangers! This bum needs a lesson!
So easy to take care of Relieve him of his duty He took an oath and is dishonoring that Just common sense
Voting your conscience ended with the general election. This is not a vote of conscience coming up. These people were chosen to support their Party’s candidate…period