Just days after members of the #FYF911 or #FukYoFlag and #BlackLivesMatter movements called for the lynching of whites and killing of cops, a Harris County Sheriff’s Deputy Darren Goforth, 47, was shot exuecution style white at a gas station filling his patrol car last Friday night.
The gunman shot him in the back of the head three times. After the deputy fell to the ground, the attacker shot him three to four more times in the back.
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Then that would be no different than what these few black extremists are doing. Not the answer. That is saying every black person is guilty and that could be no further from the truth. I agree that it is time to put a stop to this and that means going to the top of the pyramid. Above that, I pray this country turns back to God before it is too late. I pray protection over us all especially Christians and those protecting us, risking their own lives. Race has nothing to do with this…. Hate straight from the pits of hell is our enemy. This is very spiritual in nature and we have a government in place allowing and encouraging such things…. God help us all!!!!!
My prayers to the family
where is the outcry? white lives matter.
Maybe it is time for these ones crying whites should be killed, will be found hanging
But remember, it’s not racism
If whites were doing this they would have already been arrested and in jail.
So glad I live in Texas where we have CHL so ya never know who’s packing and who isn’t
Track them dogs down
The democrats get out to vote campaign, sponsoring racist hate groups like black lives matter. Race bating, divisive, politics. Too cowardly to lead and unite, immoral and self serving enough to deceive, lie and divide a country. Racism has exploded in the last 6 years because of this administration and the democratic party. Inner city, african american crime and hate is at historical highs…perhaps those communities should look at the failed “leadership” of the democrats they vote in to office as the problem. Not innocent people struggling to make a living like everyone under the radical tyrannical incompetent rule of that race dividing, divisive, fraud occupying the wh.
@[100002209196054:2048:Mitchell English]