Just days after members of the #FYF911 or #FukYoFlag and #BlackLivesMatter movements called for the lynching of whites and killing of cops, a Harris County Sheriff’s Deputy Darren Goforth, 47, was shot exuecution style white at a gas station filling his patrol car last Friday night.
The gunman shot him in the back of the head three times. After the deputy fell to the ground, the attacker shot him three to four more times in the back.
See The Following Page:
Totally unconscionable!!!
Could you see this coming? If not, why not?
Go after the radical black thug group. And kill them all. If not they will continue their journey killing whites and cops.
If you murder someone then you need to be executed no ifs ands or butts!!!! And not years from the time of the crime but the day you are found Guilty!!!!!
Shot on site rabbid animals should be slaughtered
Just for $#%&!@*s and giggles, someone tell the KKK it’s open season on thugs starting with those in the White House……..
Well, one day don’t know when – people in the Media will be seeing lynching of Radical Blacks in this Country. It is coming in the winds of time and when it begins – your Radical Blacks better stop what you are doing. I’ve seen some tough Whites in my life and it is a matter of time when your turn is next. History proves it beyond a shadow of a doubt. For they will be protecting those they love.
Ok…we’re all waiting Obama…where’s your outrage at this senseless murder of a Huston sheriff’s deputy…strep up and speak up…
Round up the seditious malcontents and throw ’em in the clink!!!