Just days after members of the #FYF911 or #FukYoFlag and #BlackLivesMatter movements called for the lynching of whites and killing of cops, a Harris County Sheriff’s Deputy Darren Goforth, 47, was shot exuecution style white at a gas station filling his patrol car last Friday night.
The gunman shot him in the back of the head three times. After the deputy fell to the ground, the attacker shot him three to four more times in the back.
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Where is the elected leaders of this country now. They are a bunch of cowards who won’t stand up to these thugs!
Where’s the Hells Angels when you need them !!!
Obama wanted, oops Valerie wanted a race war and Howdy Doody put the wheels in motion. He be a good muslim
They act like hoodlums & then wonder why they are treated as such. And wonder why we know we are NOT racist like they say we are.
just racist $#%&!@* muslime terrorists and should be put down like the animals they are !!!
chicago needs to burn again !!!
i think you eat out of the toilet, racist $#%&!@* terrorist muslime ghetto trash !!!
As was said by Charles Manson…HELTER-SKILTER…..!
I dont see it as killing cops i see it as killing white people. Not one bootlipped black monkey cop has been shot .
Now launch interrogation to find master.mind