Just days after members of the #FYF911 or #FukYoFlag and #BlackLivesMatter movements called for the lynching of whites and killing of cops, a Harris County Sheriff’s Deputy Darren Goforth, 47, was shot exuecution style white at a gas station filling his patrol car last Friday night.
The gunman shot him in the back of the head three times. After the deputy fell to the ground, the attacker shot him three to four more times in the back.
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Blacks kill each other. Leave them to it
Well I guess it needs to be open hunting season on all black panthers and gang members. Black lives might matter but theirs dont.
Where are all the white people turning over police cars looting was Mart etc etc etc. Where is Obbuma expressing his condolences. Maggot.
And if it was turned around they would be rioting in the streets! I don’t remember so much racial tension that we are now going through in my life. This has to stop!
I sure don’t hear Barry or Al talking about this one and calling for justice.
I expect to hear that the guy that has been arrested on this crime was abused by a white cop when he was an infant and it just festered in him and he cold not help himself. The groups that think that it is ok to kill folks of other races are just wrong and need to figure out that they are the cause of the problem. I have come to think that anyone that pubically states that anyone should be killed should be arrested for terroristic threats and locked up.
Thanks Obuma our Liar and Chief and all the Media that helped him lie and divide.
Execute this barbarian the day after he is found guilty.
Alright, Mr president its time to out down the golf club and do your job. You need to speak out against this horrendous act in support of law enforcement.