Don’t Mess With Texas!
Tim Kleinschmidt (R-Lexington) has introduced a bill that seeks to thwart all enforcement of federal gun control measures.
House Bill 176 (HB176) declares that all federal restrictions on the Second Amendment to be “invalid” and “not enforceable” within the state of Texas.
Click On The Link Below To Read More:
Richard Lamprecht is a known idiot.
good for texas it is a start
Why are you looking for a civil war?
Those who say Texas can’t do this have no understanding of the Constitution. The states only have to follow the rulings of the Federal Government as long as the Federal Government passes laws that are legal. If a law passed by the Federal Government is illegal according to the law of the land ‘The Constitution’ then the people or the states do not have to abide by such laws. If the Federal Government becomes oppressive to the people to the point of endangering its people the Constitution gives the people the right to overthrow said government and replace it with a new government. In order to do this the founding fathers made it very clear that the people would have to be independently armed separate from government control, and that such right shall not be infringed upon. We are suppose to have in force in this country a National Government, but we have deteriorated to the point that we have a Federal Government instead. Do you know the difference?
Michigan needs to follow suit.
That is what we need!!!!
Think I’m moving to Texas!
Good! Yea, for Texas!
I am with you
Sun says:
“You just gotta LOVE Texas- they are a couple of steps ahead of everyone else.ALL states need to get that going.Texas is a GREAT leader to follow.”