Open Carry Texas has been advocating “Constitutional Carry” for some time.
Like any Constitutionalist, they believe you should be able to buy and possess a firearm with no fees or records attached to it. The way it used to be.
After years of campaigning, they celebrated an “Uncovering Day” rally in which attendees openly displayed their firearms and left wing effetes everywhere were scandalized. One could imagine leftists fainting like Victorian ladies at the vulgarity of an uncovered weapon. Despite such an amusing daydream, the open carry rally was well behaved and well attended.
They walked around downtown, ate at local joints, took some pictures and vowed to keep fighting for Constitutional Carry.
See the next page for details on Open Carry laws in Texas
God bless Texas!
Jackie are you one of the nuts that want to keep the civil war going ? Why pick on Texas ? They aren’t the only state guilty of that ! We are all ashamed of those days , but they are in the past ! Let them stay there !
god bless texes
Hey Jackie still sucking dicks for beer money?
My idea of uncovering day celebration is when we uncover the muslims here so we can see who they are and the weapons they are hiding. I thought it was unlawful for us to wear a mask in public.
The truth hurts. And God Loves the truth
and you’re so innocent you can’t even spell it!lol
THEY ARE STILL STANDING NO 0NE SHOT WOW but they are all packing hear wow.
Said the man with no profile picture.
Texas was the first state to offer refuge for freed slaves after the civil war giving them equal rights long before the US government ever thought about it