Virginians would be well advised to be on alert for the next couple days because their inalienable right to bear arms may soon be compromised by Governor Terry McAuliffe.
A Democrat’s Democrat, McAuliffe has tried to push through any number of radical liberal schemes during his time in office. Yet even the most outlandish of these will pale in comparison to what he is currently considering.
Resenting the fact that his state is one of those that allows citizens to conceal carry, the governor has devised a way to undermine this constitutionally-guaranteed liberty. In place of banning concealed carry outright, McAuliffe wants to prohibit Virginians from carrying guns buildings operated by the state government. Not trusting the legislature to pass this bound-to-be unpopular measure, he is said to be getting ready to pass it through an executive order, compounding the already-tyrannical nature of the whole thing.
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Firing squad and stripbhis us citizenship away and passport
Just send the missiles down the San Andreas. Problem solved. That ocean front property in Arizona will be worth billions.
rightti bear arms!!!! Sue his as
Dumbass !!!!
Now only the bad guys will have guns.
Just when you thought Virginia couldn’t get more fucked up. Is he trying to out-looney Illionois and California?
Executive order never override law that is already on the books. Impeach this fruitcake. Or are you Republicans still peeing in your diapers?
If the executive of Mcdonald signed the order would it effect you OR just Mcdonalds emploees??? If the executive of AT&T sign the order, we ould it effect you OR just att employees???? Sine the executive of the corporation called “Sta t e of Virginia” signed it, does it effect y ou OR just employees of the State of Virginia??? Wake up people….he can only order his subordin a te employees around……his power is limited to State employees.
Terry is brain dead.
There you go ”CRIMINALS” you know his address….