Virginians would be well advised to be on alert for the next couple days because their inalienable right to bear arms may soon be compromised by Governor Terry McAuliffe.
A Democrat’s Democrat, McAuliffe has tried to push through any number of radical liberal schemes during his time in office. Yet even the most outlandish of these will pale in comparison to what he is currently considering.
Resenting the fact that his state is one of those that allows citizens to conceal carry, the governor has devised a way to undermine this constitutionally-guaranteed liberty. In place of banning concealed carry outright, McAuliffe wants to prohibit Virginians from carrying guns buildings operated by the state government. Not trusting the legislature to pass this bound-to-be unpopular measure, he is said to be getting ready to pass it through an executive order, compounding the already-tyrannical nature of the whole thing.
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Maybe they should ban Terry the liberal$#%&!@*? This is a best friend of Clinton and obama so if hillary the wacko gets into the white house that’s what’s coming..think about that before you vote for Mrs brain dead..
sick traitor
Maybe you Virginian’s should go the the Governor’s mansion and remove him from’s that simple fire the bastard and kick him out then the state can cancel his$#%&!@*like a stamp..he should be going to prison anyway..
More unconstitutional tyranny from this guy. Congratulations Virginia.
Constitution has another say in this matter
See Rider Littlejohn I mentioned executive orders by governors, well here you go, they call him the democrats democrat. Well the honest people will not carry, how about the thugs, the thugs will have concealed guns and us honest folks wont.
Don’t get too excited when Donald Trump becomes president it’ll be overturned.
To Hell with the Worthless POS !!