With all of the scandals that have defined Hillary Clinton’s career, the shock factor that accompanies anything having to do with her is severely diminished. That being said, is it really any surprise to hear that there are terrorists funding her campaign?
Thanks to their involvement with the CIA, these terrorists don’t quite look like terrorists on paper, but that doesn’t change the fact that they are involved in terrorism.
The proof is in Fethullah Gülen’s involvement with not just Hillary, but also with her husband. Who is Fethullah Gülen you might be wondering?
His movement is in direct competition with al-Qaeda and other radical groups for the affections of Muslims across various parts of the world.
Read more on the NEXT PAGE.
Big surprise there
“They” say we won’t get out and vote for TRUMP – – – let’s show them just how wrong they are AGAIN! I HAVE HEARD THAT IN SOME STATES THIS IS A BIT TRICKY – – GET WRITTEN CONFIRMATION OF YOUR CHANGE. ONE LADY SAID SHE HAD TO GO BACK THE SECOND TIME TO GET THE CHANGE MADE. IT IS WORTH THE TROUBLE FOLKS – – VOTE TRUMP. Check this site to make sure of the rules for your state. Some states require you to be a registered Republican in order to vote for a Republican candidate in the primary and the general election. Check and make necessary changes to be able to vote for TRUMP so he can Make America Great Again. He is the only one who is willing to do what has to be done to keep this country safe and secure – – if we are DEAD from Islamic terrorists attacks, no other issues matter!! http://www.fairvote.org/primaries…
Bonnie so True
Geoffrey Wilkins You are regrettably so correct, fortunately ropes are reusable! Obama Must be removed before he declares Martial Law. His agenda for world$#%&!@*with the destruction/conversion to Muslim of USA CANNOT be allowed to happen. We the people MUST organize immediately!
As well as funding her foundation, and Bill’s speaking fees. They both exploit anyone or any cause they can for money and position.
Looks like the jump-suit that Mao Tse Tung wore when he was murdering his own people!
Is anyone surprised?
Jon Singer
Walter Moertl WE THE PEOPLE must immediately ORGANIZE to retake AMERICA! Whom has a page to go to, or can tell me how to MAKE ONE? WE MUST GET ORGANIZED!!!!!!!!!!!!