With all of the scandals that have defined Hillary Clinton’s career, the shock factor that accompanies anything having to do with her is severely diminished. That being said, is it really any surprise to hear that there are terrorists funding her campaign?
Thanks to their involvement with the CIA, these terrorists don’t quite look like terrorists on paper, but that doesn’t change the fact that they are involved in terrorism.
The proof is in Fethullah Gülen’s involvement with not just Hillary, but also with her husband. Who is Fethullah Gülen you might be wondering?
His movement is in direct competition with al-Qaeda and other radical groups for the affections of Muslims across various parts of the world.
Read more on the NEXT PAGE.
that hairdo is not worth $600.
buy the rpoe out of their funds give the rest to the D A V
Not surprising.
We now live in an upside-down society with a broken political system!!! Most of the politicians running for office are already bought and paid for. They have accepted huge sums of money from “special interest groups” in exchange for political favors which are NOT usually in the best interest of the American people. They now have to do what their “owners” tell them to do! This is also WHY so many politicians get “filthy rich” AFTER they are elected. In addition, the main stream media such as FOX, CNN, MSNBC and others are also raking in big bucks pushing the various agendas of these groups. They are very good at lying and twisting the truth to control political outcome.
During the last eight years we have seen a lawless President, the Democratic Party and numerous “Rhino” ((f**e)) Conservative Republicans in both houses of congress take America to the very brink of destruction! We are very close to having a dictatorship rule over us. There is no longer a “moral compass” guiding our leadership! Illegal immigrants and terrorists are flooding into our country in record numbers. Our government is now making serious moves to disarm its citizens. Our military has been reduced to a mere fraction of what it was just eight years ago. We are now arming terrorist factions around the world making it easier for them to invade us! Everyday our peace officers are being murdered in cold blood and political correctness continues to cause rioting and hatred all across our land …and in reality, God and Christians are no longer welcome for fear they might offend someone!
Donald Trump is the only candidate who can turn things around for America quickly and should be taken seriously!!! He is a brilliantly shrewd, self-made billionaire who loves America and apparently has very few, if any, skeletons in his closet. If he did the news media as well as his competitors would have already eaten him alive! Trump is very good at surrounding himself with people who have outstanding credentials who will help him accomplish whatever he sets his sights on. For over 30 years now he has conducted business and built fortunes all over the world and is very savvy when it comes to dealing with different political systems to accomplish his means. He is a hard charging Patriot who truly came in like a “wrecking ball” to those crooked politicians who have sold us out! In doing that he has been able to awaken and energize the “silent majority of voters” a phenomenon that has never occurred before in election history! Trump is a “Washington Outsider” who is using his own money to finance his campaign. He does not take money from “special interest groups” so he can not be bought or controlled by the establishment. As President every decision he makes would be in the best interest of the country. He is willing to serve as our President for $1/year and does not want a retirement package at the end of his term. Do you know any other candidate who would be willing to do that? … Like him or not, agree with him or not, it doesn’t matter. So far Trump is the only candidate who has shown that he “can up-set the apple-cart” and make things happen and he is exactly what America needs at this point in time.
There is an important choice that each voter has to make. Either you support “business as usual in Washington again” … OR … support Donald Trump and help make America Great Again!!!
So please “GET REGISTERED NOW” so you can vote in the Republican Primaries!!! **Many states require you register 21 days prior to the primary. You can do this in your home county or at http://www.rockthevote.com .
Re-Post or Cut & Paste if you agree. 🙂
Why not, because I consider her as a terrorist that what happen in Bengazi!!
What’s so new aout that. Her whole life has been a lie. She has been taking money from them for years, she and Bill both belong in prison.
Why don’t she go find$#%&!@* for help?
At this point, what difference does it make???????
i am not surprised one bit ,