The Obama administration is willing to let ISIS continue to prosper because bombing their oil trucks might hurt the environment, according to the chairman of the Congressional Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare.
Something wonky happens in the minds of liberals, believing that love will conquer ISIS, bombing oil trucks will create a worse disaster than ISIS terrorist attacks and that it was a gun control issue in Orlando, not a radical Islam issue.
Commonsense seems to go out the window of the minds of the left and this President does not have a window but a gaping hole where there is no commonsense left in his mind nor that of his administration.
The terrorist group makes $1.3 million a day smuggling oil, yielding 45,000 barrels a day. To cut this source of revenue off would make good military sense, yet, CIA Director Michael Morell stated in late 2015, that it is environmental concerns that keeps the U.S. from taking out ISIS’ oil assets.
Morel told Charlie Rose on PBS, “We didn’t go after oil wells, actually hitting oil wells that ISIS controls, because we didn’t want to do environmental damage, and we didn’t want to destroy that infrastructure.”
More liberal insanity found on the next page.
obamas continuous war against usa citizens
Lies lies lies
This guy is so weak. we need a strong leader in the white house.
B******t! He’s one of them!
Impeach Obama
bs he just doesnt want to stop them they need that money
What? Please help us threw the next 6 months.
if obama is so concerned about the environment….WHY does he continue Toxic, Carcinogenic, and lethal pathogens in CHEMTRAILS to be sprayed on US every day….and allow Monsanto to spray Round-Up on Crops and Genetically Modify our Food …WHY is he against Organic Food for Americans When Michelle Demands Organic Food be Served to them in the WH??????????????
Just more wimpy bull$#%&!@*from this spinless coward.