When Barack Obama announced his intentions to resettle thousands of supposed “refugees” across the U.S., many brash-talking GOP Governors immediately denounced the plans, saying that refugees from dangerous parts of the world would not be welcome in their respective states.
What most didn’t do was actually take any action on the matter.
Tennessee’s legislature, however, is stepping up and making the first move, taking Obama’s leftist administration to court over the resettlement plans.
If it goes forward, this case may force an incredibly significant president to be set by the courts. Until now, foreign affairs are legally understood as the sole responsibility of the federal government. Should Tennessee win this challenge, it would put states in a position of power that they have until now never held in the history of The United States.
It’s also for this reason that the challenges that stand in front of Tennessee may be insurmountable. While they intend to fight the administration using the powers afforded to the state by the Tenth Amendment, this Supreme Court has many times ignored the rights imparted to the states in favor of an increasingly large, increasingly powerful federal government.
To see more on the upcoming showdown between Tennessee and the federal government, continue reading on the next page:
Congress too.
Good. Muslims are not welcome and neither is their Islamic cult they bring with them. They should go back to where they belong, in the fucking dessert.
Deport all muslims refugees immediately
Status quo time to go there’s a new king on the block and he’s kicking$#%&!@*and taking names.
Trump 2016
The birthplace does not really matter. His disqualification comes from the fact that his father was not a US citizen when he was born giving him duel citizenship making him totally ineligible to be president of the US. So the birthplace or his mothers citizenship does not qualify him. You must meet all three requirements to be president. Curz is in the same boat but he doesn’t meet any of the requirements. If Bernie’s father was not a US citizen when he was born, hes not eligible either.
Too bad it will never really happen. Send all the refugees to OBAMA & let him pay for their care. NO MORE TAXPAYER $$$ should be used for this c**p. Especially not when millions of hard-working Americans have lost their homes, jobs, pensions and been forced to get C**P health care because of this corrupt government.
Why is the guy in the bottom right is in so many of these pictures? Is it Soro’s body guard? Three cheers for the Volunteer state, thanks for having balls and leading by example.